Facebook is in BIG TROUBLE💥🤡💥
It has just been discovered that the Facebook Covid vaccine Fat-Checkers are funded by vaccine companies.
===Channel 🆔 John F. Kennedy (https://t.me/JohnF_KennedyJr)

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People
someone needs to go to jail

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️
Glenn Beck Exposes The “JOINTLY OWNED” Coronavirus Vaccine Between Moderna and US Gov (NIAID) – Centipede Nation
Glenn Beck recently obtained a copy of the 153 Page Confidential Agreement between Moderna and the U.S. Government, and it goes back to 2015. Last year, it was reported by a few media outlets (see Axios) of such an agreement, but no physical evidence to reference from. Now Glenn Beck got his hands o..
we knew this a long time ago.....or was i dreaming?

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening
I know it's been part of an agenda of control & censorship, but I also figured *someone* (or several someones) was getting paid big bux $$$ to repress information about the kill shots
Crimes against humanity - again
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

We share very few sentiments with our government.

Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.
I'm shocked!!!

Seeing is a gift. Make use of it. @Nancy_IRL on X
How do people not know this already?

. I love GOD and AMERICA. Trump Kennedy Patriot. Me and Hubby retired. On Gettr @cathyldup.
Please Share!!! 😁😁😁