Can we get some messages of hope and comfort to our wisdom keepers who are isolated and terrified in care facilities and hospitals? They're surrounded by tvs airing fake news around the clock. Visit their window, send a card, or request a phone in their room to encourage them to hold on just a little longer.
God has not forgotten them and neither have we❤️
Autistic but Awake. Looking up for my Blessed Hope. This war will be won through action proceeding from prayer.
I like what you said and the way you said it.
Thanks for the call to prayer. God cover them over with His feathers (Ps 91).
A sinner, probably distracted somewhere searching for cheese. Follow Jesus.
It's just heartbreaking that so many seniors are scared and intentionally being isolated. I think we're gonna head over to some long term care parking lots in our penguin costumes this weekend for a dance routine or two🤪💞