very sad indeed that
1. the regime can send billions of dollars to be laundered thru ukraine
2. regime can provide $3k / monthly benefits to millions of illegal aliens
3. congressional folks can continue to rake in $$$ Millions to become multi millionaires
4. congressional spending billions on foreign aid that lands in the pockets of who know who
5. the regime can spend 85 billions on military equipment only to hand it over to foreign powers
6. regime can spend billions on BIO LABS that will harm us
7. the list goes on
YET the regime
- hasn't medically cared and housed all our returning VETs,
- hasn't given a real cost of living to our seniors,
- hasn't addressed our border issues
- hasn't addressed our growing homeless population
- hasn't addressed our whopping inflation costs
- hasn't addressed the balancing a budget like ordinary citizens
- and the list goes on.