10-3-22 🦅🇺🇸 Donald J. Trump,
President & Commander-in-Chief
"A lawsuit was filed today against CNN,
the once prestigious news channel
that has devolved into a purveyor of
disinformation, defamation, and Fake News,
at a level which the American Public,
and indeed the World, will not even believe is possible..
I am proud to file today's lawsuit
in order to begin the process of
standing up to Fake News and the Mainstream Media."
🙏 God bless you, sir. Godspeed 😻
👇 https://t.me/qthestormrider777

https://on.soundcloud.com/QmEdc https://on.soundcloud.com/d1zYG https://on.soundcloud.com/LPZqJ
This is what i been waiting for! How sweet it will be!!!🤨


https://on.soundcloud.com/QmEdc https://on.soundcloud.com/d1zYG https://on.soundcloud.com/LPZqJ
When Q asked us:
What is the keystone?🤔
It depends on which crimes against humanity ur looking at.
The vatican is. America is. The lizard qween is. Epstein is. The witch is. No name was. ...lots of keystones. So what is THE keystone?
...without msm it will all fall apart.💯

Agree 💯 Victor, the Mockingbird MSM
& DARPA social Media has got to go.
There is a plan.
To infiltrate & FLIP the MSM & Soc. Media
which is why POTUS is suing CNN
& will sue other Media outlets
& why Elon Musk is exposing Twitter
& why Space Force took down Zucks DARPAbook
in order to LEGALLY remove
the deep state demon Boards of Directors,
owners & broadcasters.
It's been suggested
that when QTeam begins the deep state reveal
their horrific crimes, Tribunals & executions,
people will find it easier to accept the information
from their accustomed sources —
cnn, msnbc, fox, NYTimes, etc.
which will have been totally cleaned by White Hats.
Brilliant 💪📺

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
I think MSM will flip their switch when their lies are shown to be truth.
They won't want people to hear what parasite murderers they truly are. What do you think?
I don't think a demon, generally speaking,
will EVER flip.
They are evil to the core
& evil to the end
& right now are doing EVERYTHING THEY CAN
to cause chaos & pain
even though they KNOW they're defeated.
They're exactly like the Nazis at the end of WW2
who knew the war was over
but raped, pillaged & burned Europe on their way out
as the Allied Forces marched across Europe
to apprehend them.
That's what the deep state demons are doing today
because they ARE the Nazis.
As Juan O Savin said
we won the war but we DIDN'T defeat the Nazis.
So no — I don't think ANY deep state demon will flip
UNLESS they have a gun to their head
& even then, most don't.
That's what I've heard anyway.
This is the devil we're dealing with — ZERO LIGHT 😼

. I love GOD and AMERICA. Trump Kennedy Patriot. Me and Hubby retired. On Gettr @cathyldup.
Absolutely Agree Kat! Demons dont quit until they are killed, uncreated, back in Hell. Wherever God sends them. When you have no way out, you fight and take as many down with you. 😠🌩🌩🌩🔥🔥🔥🍿💥🙏