Q Gold shall destroy the Fed.

Gold & Silver have been suppressed by central bank for decades. Since trump has taken back all the gold their vaults are empty.

Their illegal money laundering schemes have been also stopped.

 So they have low liquidity & zero gold

Now Hedge funds, major banks are all party to the game.

The white hats know if they drive up the silver & gold prices the hedge funds & banks exposed will need to cover their short positions in the Derivatives market.

They dont have the capital or physical gold to deliver to clients. 

It will wipe them all out & bring the old financial system to the ground.

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May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response Back to the Future to his Publication

Story 3
The price of silver spiked up this morning.
This is a huge deal.
JPM Chase is the biggest holder of silver and has been the one that has helped controll the metals prices to prop up the dollar.
Suddenly the price jumped up.
But why?
My opinion is JPM needs to raise capital in order to help bail out Credit Suisse because all these corrupt banks are broke and if one big one goes down they all do.
So they pushed the price of silver way up in pre market when volume is low so they can sell into the rally to raise capital.
Why do I think that?
Look at the chart.
It “gapped” way up at the open.
Stocks always fill the gaps which tells me this rally is short lived and probably won’t make it through the end of the week.
It will go back down and fill that gap down at 17.77 fairly soon.
But this is a good sign. The global debt system is panicked and on the brink.
Same wig with the stock market that gapped up today.
Dead cat bounce.
