🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
You have been attacked on a level that is difficult to comprehend. The attacks have come from family and friends. They have been psychological, technological and spiritual in nature. You have survived them. This is war in the truest sense. I hold that our primary function here is to vibe high and help see each other to the finish line. I appreciate the digs but am finding that I have less and less use for any more proofs. We have proofs coming out of our ears. Only doubtful truths need defense. My energy is shifting towards what we care to manifest next. Anon Island is a metaphor for me. It is our unfulfilled desire. Truly enjoy your unfulfilled desires. Once fulfilled, that beautiful longing and anticipation is lost forever. When The Maestro says Enjoy Your Day it's a way of saying that we shouldn't take anything for granted. Every day is a gift.
Wise words, thank you x
The only way out is UP.
This spiritual war has stripped away our illusions, ego, attachments, no going back.
I feel the same about proofs, date predictions, all is unfolding as it should in the macro and the micro - on Earth and in our individual lives. Accepting change, accepting free will, detachment... in grief choosing unconditional love, conditional support, Faith in ourselves, our path of purpose is not as easy as it sounds.
Unravelling the conditioning of living/surviving through these times - through the death of the old world - with a vision of a new world requires straddling multiple timelines, until we each, one by one, master ourselves to make the shift.
Let go with Love, for yourself and humanity.
Forgive them... they know not what they do.
I LOVE you All.