Not to be stupid, but what does 1111 mean?

Not a stupid question...
There is no one 'right' answer. It has many different meanings...but when we post it here it's for the time stamp. It's a collective consciousness gathering together at one time to send positive energy.
Some say it's angel numbers - there is much info on the web if you search...it's all open to your own interpretation and what resonates with you. Many say once you start seeing repeating numbers, then you are awakening or in alignment / where you are supposed to be.
It is also linked to 1111 in the drops or 1111 = 22 in the drops.
Also, 11110 (0 doesn't count in gematria) is the EO # of JFK delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates - so it's important on many levels related to the movement.

Thank you Kim!