the world is quantum. that means that it is multidimensional and we have multiple lives and timelines happening at once. the past and future is just an illusion and is also part of these infinite timelines.
people are confused whether q is a psyop to make people wait until it is too late to stand up for freedom or if it is a catalyst to jump to higher timeline.
the answer is both and everything in between. you decide which of the infinite timelines you want to experience.
the currency for this transaction is your attention. if you worry about a bad timeline, you get it. by worrying, your soul knows you need to experience it. if you had mastered this already, you would not fear it.
you create what you think of, what your actions are based on, and what, if anything you hold as beliefs and attachments.
this is why mastering everything internally by thinking it through and being happy with every outcome is the key to a happy experience