sunscreen is what c a u s e s skin cancer. . . . . .

We’ve been taught to fear the sun.

As a result, adults and kids are soaking themselves in a bath of toxic, hormone-disrupting chemicals.

Science has long revealed that exactly what we put on our skin winds up in our bodies, and rapidly.

Numerous studies from across the world have analyzed sunblock.

More specifically, evaluating its active ingredients, and how it permeates and soaks up into the skin after application.

One study carried out at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba, Canada, looking to develop a method for measuring typical sunscreen representatives.

Outcomes showed a significant penetration of all sunscreen representatives into the skin, implying all these chemicals are getting in several tissues within the body.


In response rQy Herman Kellerman to his Publication

Yes, this is true, but I believe the#1 cause is sunglasses. Your eyes when seeing sunlight sends a message to start making melanin. Melanin protects the skin and provides Vitamin D. If this design is disrupted, your skin ends up burning. Then add "sunscreen" that causes cancer anyway and boom there ya go. I may not have worded this information correctly or effectively but if you research it, you will see what I meant. js

Absolutely!!!!! Anything reccomended by any GOV agency....is for our slow kill....... ..

In his latest book, Survival of the Sickest, Dr Moalem suggests wearing sunglasses could be linked to the growing incidence of skin cancer in the UK because it tricks the brain into thinking it is dark so that it doesn't send out signals to the body to begin the tanning process, the body's natural defence to protect the skin.

Much LQve Many Blessings !!!


In response Ren Con ⭐ to her Publication

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In response rQy Herman Kellerman to his Publication

Thank you. I was too lazy to cite a reference. Its just one of those days. I feel like I could do so much helping others, but it has always (all my life) fell on deaf ears and I'm just tired of getting the "she's" "really" "out" "there" looks and sometimes a laugh/eye roll. So I am at the point to just build a wall, shut myself in, and let em find out the hard way. It is still so aggravating. But inside I'm crying/screaming.

In response Ren Con ⭐ to her Publication

We all need to take some rest, from time to time. Concerning the others who may laugh at me, I'm OK with that. I prefer hear them laughing than screaming and jumping all around. 😂
We, empaths, need CALM!

Just take some time for yourself and your Family.#NCSWIC
God Bless. ❤️

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