I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
One of my old websites featuring Dutch lyrics recorded by different artists of ABBA songs
That is so cool!! I love your website and all the work you did to put it together back then!!!
I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
Thank you❤️ and I can't believe it's still up! That web service was sending out emails saying that it would no longer be webs.com and that anyone having an account better save their stuff and move it to somewhere else. So I just saved a bunch of screenshots of it because I didn't know how to download the whole thing.
And I am sorely behind on backing up my bloggers, I only have them saved up to a certain point. I've added to the Poetic, Alternate Lyrics, Star Rangers, and a couple more since then too. If the internet isn't entirely destroyed and the starlinks can somehow take over these tech giants and let people have their little cyber kingdoms, that would be groovy.
Whew, am I glad you got some screenshots of that wonderful website of yours!!!!
Wish we could download & safeguard all your preciousness like that!!
It hopefully will/would be great if the starlinks can keep these all safe and operational!!
I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
Wish they could bring back the yahoogroups that were all lost because of that horrid neo design and restore them back to the way they were. Let's see, it was around 2014-2015 when it all went to shit. It would be even cooler to be able to set them anywhere back in time. They had started some attachment-saving gadget to the thing and then just got rid of it. A few members were distraught. As an owner of some groups I didn't know this was even happening. Was never alerted.
Then there was Multiply, like Ning, there was the old MySpace, just lots of goodies. Operational would be great, but just a restoration to archive things and access them would also suffice. A lot of my old friends and myself would not have the kind of time to roleplay like we used to and talk about movies and things. What replaced the yahoogroups was imdb message boards, but, you have an idea of how that ended up. :(
Yes, I sure do know how that ended up... yikes!
But yeah, just archiving all your great works and those of your friends would be what should be provided by these tech folks...
I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
It's a place in time, when the cyber world was still fresh in a way. Dial up was everywhere, the coding was easier to understand. I learned my basic HTML and some CSS in all that time. PHP was what I was really trying to get into, but I could never devote the time to it. And that was around the time I was battling the evil seeds seeding through the networks. And that stalker Misery, who spent years doing what MSM does to Trump and us all.
But the little digital hangouts were like a bastion of times that I used to get lost in, the art, the feeling, the imagination they sparked. It's like here, a private little place we can talk and share things. And it all builds up a wave of life and times in the context of an entity in a landscape of the collective Anonymous.
Yes, this sure is a special place.. All because of you and your amazing-ness!!! I completely love what we share and do together anywhere and everywhere!! Thank you for you!!