Some people are going to refuse to celebrate the new person you've become because you've grown beyond the limits they decided to set for you in their head. Mind your own business and leave them be with whatever weird cartoon version of you they've created in their minds. Remember that you are not how they treat you. They are their own mirror revealing their true colors. They ARE how they treat you. You just keep right on shinning your light and know that I and many others love you very much! 🤍

Watching the grass grow is still more educational than watching MSM. Go in Peace. Proud Fiscal Conservative. ❤️my country. Prayer warrior
Truth... lessons learned. Funny how this message is so easy to accept when one is older.. but is so hard for the younger kiddos. In the end, we still have to protect the children and remind them how special they are..
Indeed! Took me time to learn this one, I can be a bit of a people pleaser and needed time to understand sometimes no matter how hard I try or how good I am to them they may not like me and that's just not my fault. I had to learn to let them go so they could heal on their own path and in their own ways. 🤍