So having weird tech glitches on all devices, crazy deja vus, time feels funky and can't drink enough water... anyone else?
A couple weeks ago I was drinking lots of water, and had overwhelmingly sadness, not feeling like myself. Had been feeling brushings at times and one morning demanded spirits to leave... I felt them leave. Always armor up, and stay on guard, we are fighting a spiritual war. Last week both husband and I were woke up having charley horses several nights in a row... hope that's over now, those things hurt. Both of us have like a bug bite in the same spot on our inner elbow, don't know where or when but totally weird.
I woke up this morning with the numbers 946 stuck in my mind... looked at the clock and that's what time it was. Don't judge, I will take any and all sleep I can get! Never have been a good sleeper, and at times don't sleep at all. The 946...