In response Every Time to her Publication


Juan O Savin
A breakaway process started in the early 1800’s
with Industrialists out of Germany
going to Argentina
& beginning their development of other Sciences
that led to flying vehicles & excursions to Antarctica..
Under the ice 2-miles thick
is an area 1.5 the times the size of N America..
Just like in spots all over the Continental U.S.
you have Hot Springs..
Under the ice you have rivers that flow & large lakes
because it’s heated thermally.. with underground geysers..
The Nazis sent 42k women to Antarctica
to support the German Army there in 1942..
there’s no record of them ever having come back.

DN Rodriguez
So that’s the Nazi breakaway civilization? In Antarctica?

Where was John Kerry Election Day '16 → Antarctica
After the election, Newt Gingrich → Antarctica..
Last location Obama went
before he was out of office? Bariloche, Argentina
where all the Nazis went after WW2.
We beat the German Army,

WWG1WGA I am a child of GOD and only god for I-AM 9

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I have heard sometime ago not sure if it was flynn or juan they spoke of a huge prison that is an island over there made for the highest of elite criminals no escape

👍 Glad to hear
there's a no-escape prison in Antarctica, True.

Gene Decode said
there was a brand new prison-facility on the Moon
that had a real nice view of Earth 😹💪😼💥


That is who it was I remember now in the movie men in black 3 the have a prison on the moon

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @TruePatriotUK in this post can reply

Yup. They have to TELL you the truth
but they think we're too stupid to BELIEVE IT.
Whatever they say in movies or tv shows or books, etc.
Sci Fi isn't Science FICTION
it's Science FACT.
ALL that tech exists. They'v been using it for eons
while keeping us enslaved 💪😼
