Retired psychologist. Love USA, POTUS, vets. Here to support those who aren't quite "there." Twt axed me same day as DJR. badge of h
Is there anywhere that states Ivermectin curing advanced cancer?

Q from the 1st drop! JohnFKennnedy JR followed me on Twitter, @RealDonaldTrump=RealPresidentof USA‼️🇺🇸PRINCE 4 Eva💋☔️☔️☔️🏎🏎💟☮️💜
There is also a parasitic component in the Covid virus itself. its in the patent.

Ivermectin does kill parasites but does not kill all parasites. On animals here we use ivermectin and panacur... panacur takes care of the other parasites that ivermectin doesn't kill.

Danny Rocks!! One of my favorite TG channels

Gonna be GLORIOUS❤️ Co-Chair @ Memetrunk.com
I like Danny's channel and protocol

Who is Danny??