🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
SERCO, finally! "The Biggest Company You Never Heard Of". My Sandy Hook research lead to me down this trail. Have a look-see at what camera's they have access to.
Isn't Prince William involved in SERCO?

Golden share owner, he basically owns Obamacare too.

English patriot. Trump supporter.United States of America is the last stand!!!. #familyiseverything
i believe so, with the parent company being vanguard ; and or blackrock. Serco were given billions for the 2020 Olympics which was probably stolen, as the military had to step in to cover them. Ya got to give it to them tricksters-consters amd monsters.
Xsilent theives...

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Serco bags £322m contract extension for Test and Trace, is still struggling to share data with local authorities • The Register
Look who's having a good pandemic