if you dont believe in Jesus.. then yes, the God you pray too is lucifer.
figured it out in 2020 that they are two sides of the same coin
oh! or is he mocking lucifer in the same way Jesus has been mocked..
things that make you go hmmmm
i should also add that Im an epileptic. so I see right through “things”.
when you trust your gut (God organ), you know it will never lie
very true. many people say to me “Jesus knows my heart” or “Jesus knows who i am” and things along those lines.
so I always respond with “how well do you know Jesus”
100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞
Yes, they may all know and believe there was a Jesus however, many believe he was a phophet but not the son of God.