"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Gabriel using a walker now for a few weeks, I noticed he stalls out trying to reach a certain place in our home when this happens, he backs up about double, then hits it real hard to gain momentum, we never taught him that, but it makes sense, almost 10 mos. old.
Isn't it strange how animals come into the world, horses, cows etc.. with an already knowing of certain survival instincts.
Like how do they know to stand up? walk? what plants and foods to eat that wont hurt them.
Children tho have been said to have to learn behaviors unlike animals already knowing.
Nana heard from someone the other day tho that our children being born now would be coming into the world more like our animals have been with more "already knowing" of things than in any time in history.
A change so to speak because of the shift in frequency of the Earth and God's Divine Plan.