Queens death what will it mean?
The crown serving as proxy for the Vatican are belligerent occupiers of sovereign nations.
If there is no heir or successor to the throne then the crown must vacate their titles and return all lands back to the sovereigns.
All governments,courts, judges, attorneys being illegitimate should also stand down.
All serve as agents for the Crown and their used by date has expired.
Now will this happen? I don’t know.
This a possible scenario.
The sovereignty of nations will be transferred from one belligerent occupier (crown) to another. Most likely the UN.
Murmurs of countries handing sovereignty of their health protocols to the WHO is gaining some traction.
All to play out is theatre for the Military to intervene.
Which they already have but not for our eyes, Yet.
Let the games begin.
1776 we are coming.
Monarchies are against Heaven and God’s rule. The people begged God for a king. He said you should not want a king, I am your only true King. A king will take your children, your lands and your wealth. They insisted they wanted a king. King Saul was selected by God.
Communism is a dystopia. Capitalism is a utopia. Also learning to be multilingual :)
Charles has been declared king but a major scandal involving him and Jimmy Saville will break out 🤢