Aussie Patriot. Nasty1 on twit-ta . I walk my own path, share my own thoughts & my own digs.
From Neon Revolt on Gab.
From an Anon on the Chans. WiFi , 5G, surveillance & lots more. Very interesting.
i am only going to speak on the ability to "map" using wifi. for those who do not know, wifi is just a small radio that transmits and recieves. The map comes in from having multiple antennas. basically how it works, is a signal is sent out and bounces back, when it passes back over the multpile antennas, the onboard computer (system on a chip) can use timing and signal phase differences to figure out distance and direction an object is from the antennas. Basically radar. using more than one antenna.allows a transmitter to focus a transmission in a certain direction, using phasing. Thats how AM towers work to create nulls in their transmissions so not to affect another nearby radio station.
Aussie Patriot. Nasty1 on twit-ta . I walk my own path, share my own thoughts & my own digs.
i was just talking about theblead paint with my father this last monday.
to go along with this, i knew man (since passed) who was part of a militia. Told me he was awakened at night by a helicopter. Got a phone call saying they were xraying his house looking for some type of weapon. that was in the late 90s.
The higher you go in frequency, the further the safe distance is from an antenna. i have several for HF (4, 7, 14, 28 mhz) that run over my house, safe diatance is a couple feet. I have a couple VHF antennas (144Mhz), safe distance is several feet. my wifi is in a room where we only go sparingly. Even with the low power output of wifi, i dont trust it. That being said ear pods are radios, they transmit and recieve and we put them right next to our brains all day.