🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴
🍊School complains that Project Veritas expose was done without woke racist teacher's permission
School complains that Project Veritas expose was done without woke racist teacher's permission | The Post Millennial
Referring to her white males student Norris said, "I think they need to go. I think they’re really awful people" and "We just need some vigilante Dexter... Like, here’s your community of targets."
https://postmillennialnews.com/wQ0WkrNotice the sKool doesn't say what she says is wrong or not in line with their policies--they ATTACK the messenger instead--typical bully Leftie