glad your in the know cause i feel like im out here floating in the open ocean alone

In ancient Egypt a shen ring was a circle with a line tangent to it, represented in hieroglyphs as a stylised loop of a rope. The word shen itself means, in ancient Egyptian, encircle, while the shen ring represented eternal protection.

...Internal reflection takes place when light travelling through a medium such as water fails to cross the boundary into another transparent medium such as air. The light reflects back off the boundary between the two media.

Total internal reflection allows light to be contained and guided along very thin fibres. Usually made of glass, these are called optical fibres and they have many uses.. .

An optical ring resonator is a set of waveguides in which at least one is a closed loop coupled to some sort of light input and output. (These can be, but are not limited to being, waveguides.) The concepts behind optical ring resonators are the same as those behind whispering galleries except that they use light and obey the properties behind constructive interference and total internal ...

The lemon sherbet of quantum computers are the liquid-helium-cooled superconducting rings. Each ring represents a qubit, which are addressed and coupled to each other via wires.

a quantum computer uses quantum bits—known as qubits.

To illustrate the difference, imagine a sphere.
A bit can be at either of the two poles of the sphere,
but a qubit can exist at any point on the sphere.

im teying to figure out how to correlate this to calling my Ka back to me

cat block nephthys sounds like nemisis/sis-ter/cat worm virus ... seduced my husband

Isothermal surfaces in the Bloch sphere, corresponding to the values of dimensionless temperature k B T 1 / ɛ = 1.5 (red, northern hemisphere) and k B T 2 / ɛ = − 2 (blue, southern hemisphere). Two constant energy planes are also shown, one tangent to the isotherm k B T 1 / ɛ = 1.5 , which is associated to the equilibrium energy E eq , and another associated to an energy smaller than E eq .