Posted 8-31-22 JUAN O SAVIN
@New Templars
On White Nobility, Merovingians, the Antichrist & GESARA
Audio chat between Juan & Dylan Lewis Monroe
who made the Q map
This is an 1.5 hour Juan-rant with few interjections.
Recorded on August 29, 2022
in the Hotel Lobby, the day after the Texas Reckoning Fest,
Mesquite, Texas
Rumors about Juan:
1.) Is Juan O Savin JFK Jr? I don’t know.
I took this photo of Juan in the Savin 17 shirt.
2.) People say he’s wearing all kind of prosthesis, disguise.
I looked into his eyes & face for 1.5 hours,
I did not get any sense that this was prosthetics.
I got the sense this was someone completely organic & real.
This person has a brain on steroids…
a real person with really deep knowledge, no prosthetics.

Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
The comment at the end about our reptilian royals (Prince William etc) was interesting.

Were uou yhere? i was too!!

No, I wasn't there.
But Dylan, on this video, said Juan spent HOURS
with people, signing their books & talking with them.
Until 3 a.m.!!
Then he was up at 9 a.m.
& spoke with Dylan for 1.5 hours.
Juan is on a mission, God bless him 🙏❤️🇺🇸