A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
The Apostle Paul, having EXPERIENCED the PRESENCE of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS Following the CRUCIFIXION of His Personal Ego on the Road to Damascus later said: "We are Crucified WITH Christ
and I (i.e.my Personal, Ego-centered "I") no longer Live, but Christ (i.e. the God Consciousness of Christ) Lives in Me." -Galatians 2:20
Jesus was Crucified on Golgotha--the "Hill of the Skull" and His Act Represents the Crucifixion of the "Head"--the Personal "I" Brain-Centered Ego and the SURRENDER of the Head/"Heaven" to the "Heart/"Earth".
The I AM THAT I AM Fiery Spirit Dwells WITHIN the "Holy of Holies"/Inner Temple/Chamber of Our Hearts, but in Order to EXPERIENCE and Achieve AT-"TUNE"-MENT/A-"TONE"-MENT/AT-"ONE"-MENT with the Universal Quantum Source of Our Being; BUT in Order to Become One with the Father, We Must First Surrender Our Seemingly Separate Ego-Based Identities & Be Crucified "WITH" Christ.