Laws for the dead.
1666 All declared dead lost at SEA.
Birth certificate
A Legal fiction
They the enemy are floating in a SEA of space. (Betelgeuse)
Technically they are dead.
Can only govern the dead.
Hence legally we have been declared dead.
Why do judges wear black robes? Presiding over the dead (legal fiction)
Make sense.

In response Red Edge to her Publication

Grateful Patriot, proud grandmother, seeker of the Truth!
In response Red Edge to her Publication
makes perfect sense!
but how does betelgeuse fit in ?

In response Red Edge to her Publication
just because they declare us dead does not make us dead. Dead men don't type...

#GreatAwakening Wacked by Twitter on 6/6/22 Same as it ever was.
In response Red Edge to her Publication
Also : “Judges are bankers”…per David Straight Utah seminar.