The first time I saw this movie, it resonated in a way that I had never experienced with any other movie. At the time I didn't even really know why, all I knew was that I was hooked. The more and more I watched it over the years the more and more it became obvious that it was more relevant than I even knew. It's a Golden Egg.

Greg M
he said, “all your thoughts and ideas got you here. I am going to ask you again, are you ouy of any ideas yet?”🤨
i said, yes.😭
he said “it sounds like you are ready to follow instructions, try starting tomorrow morning by reading the instructions on the the toothpaste tube. i am sure you havent even done that before. and beyond that, do not move unless you have a set of instructions. “ 😳
and the magical journey began!
welcome to the red pill matrix
what a year! 2012