Follower of Yahusha ha Mashiach. Truth seeker - Happily married to Chris, mother to Kelle, Jake & Josh BARUCH HABA BASHEM YAHUAH
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There are other articles written about it https://medium.com/@MosheSchulman/president-trump-converts-to-orthodox-judaism-54d5004bfec8
I share all news as I am seeking the truth even if it isn't personally what I want.
President Trump Converts to Orthodox Judaism | by Moshe Schulman | Medium
President Trump announced that he will follow in his beautiful daughter’s footsteps and convert to Orthodox Judaism. This is an unprecedented move for a President, but he is convinced this will help…
https://medium.com/@MosheSchulman/president-trump-converts-to-orthodox-judaism-54d5004bfec8Only followers of this user (@QTRUMPZPUTIN) can see their posts