If "Bu Fu" is the only way to contract the "Bu Fu Flu", seems to me the solution is to Round up all those Pedos near these Kids who Test Positive and have some Serious Conversations with these Children.
I even heard that a Dog was also infected... See how much Action happens when the ASPCA finds out that Animals are being infected as well!
That would be a "Sex Crime" that might actually get investigated!!
I mean, nobody much Cared when Fauci was committing "Genocide " against the World, But Let him torture a Beagle or two, and The Whole world shits a Brick!!
Fighting the fight to save my kids, grandkids and their grandchildren. Removed from FB and twitter - consider it a badge of honor
yep - I have always said the same thing - children and babies are ok - but when you start f_cking (literally) with animals everyone is up in arms - I love animals - but doesn't anyone see the absurdity of this???
I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️
🤣😂🤣 "Bu Fu Flu" 🤣😂🤣
Seriously, your post is very good.
Hopefully this will wake people up.