Patriot Girl
@PatriotGirl50Previously on Twitter @PeaceBabyPeace. #Patriot #wwg1wga #MAGA #Trump #SaveTheChildren

Jessica Love
@JessicaKAGMAGAHere for political chat and a few laughs. #2020neverhappened Make ❤️🚫 War

Jim Bean
@ConsiderTheSourcePertaining to Information... Consider The Source and then Consider Their Source. I Have An Insatiable Appetite For Knowl...

LightHeartAnon ..
@LightHeartAnonGrateful to be here with all of you awesome souls. WWG1WGA #prayerteam

Tim Larlee
@timlarMedicinal mushrooms seller and wholesaler. Naturopathy. Wild medicinal plants. Intuitive, wwg1wga

LQve Trump
@LoveTump#WWG1WGA #Trump 2020 #Maga #Qanon #17 #PainComing #SaveTheChildren #deplorable #patriot #kek #The storm God Controls Th...

Diana AndDennis
@DianAandDennisA little ditty about Jack & Dian~A🩰🦢#soundoffreedom #familyiseverything #godwins #jfkjr #saveourchildren #trumpismyp...

We Are One
@Irish_WAQNEHere for 45 and Freedom. Justice for the Children. God Bless ALL of you Amazing PATRIOTS. We Followed General Flynn and ...

News Corner
@MidnightRyderhttps://t.me/Qnewschannel7 https://rumble.com/c/QNewsCorner https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YbT6egccRwYS/

OLord Our God
@OLordOurGodI'm a Light worker to bring about Truth, Change and Healing. #WWG1WGA #Worldwide #KAG

e_squared Anon
@e_squared🇺🇲 🐸 Information/Data Analyst. Cryptographic Analyst. Behavioral Analyst. Mathematician. Bible Scholar. Educator.

Mac 691
@Mac691#WWG1WGA #QAnon #DigitalSoldiers #JFKjrLives #KGA #SaveTheKids #Maga #TheGreatAwakening anonup.com/@Mac691

dan7gtar Q-Tip
@dan7gtarDon't stop now. Don't give up. Keep pressing forward until your goal is reached. Stand up for righteousness. #...

Qtime Network
@aQtimeTwitter handles were aQtime - a17time - aTimeQ Retweeted By Donald J Trump on Twitter.

: I-Am: Soverei..
@Qarmy_AnonIf they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mer...

Doq Holliday
@doqhollidayDoing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Chris...
Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more