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Dave Dave
Dave Dave
17 days ago

Dave Dave

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Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

The Brutal Truth About Work... - YouTube

Today I expose the harsh realities of wage slavery, dissect the corporate lies we live by, and share personal experiences of navigating burnout and depressio...

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

The Secrets Behind Money? - YouTube

What if everything we thought we knew about money is actually hiding a much bigger story? Today, we unravel a mystery rooted in the last 300 years that conne...

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Know Your Rights - Part One (The People's Lawyer) - YouTube

Do you feel like a slave to a corporate system that does not care about you? The People's Lawyer will reveal information that is not taught at school, not ev...

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

That Time the U.S Government Poisoned Alcohol on Purpose - YouTube

Discover the shocking truth behind Prohibition's darkest secret: when the U.S. government poisoned alcohol to enforce the law—leading to thousands of tragic ...

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

They are starting to realise just how powerful people are ! - YouTube

The power of people… has been truly underestimated by the major companies

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Mark "The Bowler Hat Farmer" Byford - A Solution to the Farming Crisis! (Co-host Kali Spell) - YouTube

Mark Byford is fighting back and has created a new website which connects all local farms directly to the customer, to bypass the supermarkets.Sign up as a c...

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

This Declassified Document Is the Ultimate Proof - YouTube

Full Document: help support us on Patreon, read our goals here:

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Backlash with supermarkets! - YouTube

Connecting farmers directly to customers and cutting out the middleman is clearly the way forward and keeping food fresh and nutritious. I talk with Mark Byf...

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Didn''t Wanna Do This!

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Robert, AKA-Robess Explains In Depth Entities, Fictitious names How These People Escape Liability.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR. -The intentional Biological Warfare has been planned for a long time

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Status website update - Concealment of material facts - Grounds to void all of it

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Two Worlds We Live In.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

So you want to be governed - Is your power and authority used against you - Could it be

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Conference call about the ‘name’ with Adam.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

nothing has effected more people then this.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

- TERRORISM ACT, 2000 and Nuremberg Code. -

It is a criminal offense to pay taxes if any of it is used to fund genocide or murder, according to the UN Charter, TERRORISM ACT, 2000 and Nuremberg Code.

By paying tax to a State facilitating genercide, you are committing a war Crime.

Article 25.3 (f) of the Rome Statute.

If you abandon paying taxes to war criminals there is a get out clause, so you won't be held liable under international law.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

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Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

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Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Undischarged Bankrupt

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

Try different Browsers if yours doesn''t work, like TOR BROWSER. Some websites might not work without using TOR.

tired of seeing the homeless folks on the streets of the town u live in? well listen up