sretrauQ daeH
@twistersageNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
I am a real American.
never said I knew anything, just trying to share so we all can figure things out :D
😁 margin line getting ready to blow
e = 5 l = 12
e + l = Q
What did we learn about El from that video?
also, see if this will work for you, been working with the other werd nerd to get it working in open/libre office.. you just have to enable macros when you open it:
Hey yo, do you still have that gematria-beta.xlsm I shared with you?
today, while chatting with another werd nerd, who got the story.. I finally shared a thought I've been with for a while.. but maybe have a refresher on it:
Ah the earfiltration becomes aerfiltration, do you remember the sharing of the story of el?
Yes, it's the invalid layer of gov't as I get it ty, am reading it
🍽️Curious about that story..
Do you telegram?
this is the discord link
but maybe telegram is easier?
what? that's so :/ well well just wow.. okay, by chance are you able to download your archive? not sure if it will have anything Well still have contact, that's important, by change have you had any attempts at discord again?
Remember the thread about snakes on planes?? XD
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick Patriot Platform. \'If not us, who? If not now, when?\'![](
😒 Yo.. this thing... I typed Miss u very much, but it completely removed it.
lucky, no suspension for me yet, wait, are you able to see your own posts? So like, you can see the complete thoughts between us in a thread? Gosh that would be nice. A fellow werd nerd started pushing data at and around me, suddenly that thread appeared. So just as always am working in response to others.
set hq.rig = 'Shushing face';
hq.deux.status = live;
hq.temba('at rest');
hq.stdout "it's been a pleasure serving you";
hq.stdout "look for the mirror";
signal.stdout "define end";
Silver boom coming to destroy deep state shorts. Evil businesses will co...
🎶"there'll be a golden ladder reaching down, when the man comes around"🎶