Rob Angeles
4 years ago

Rob Angeles

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Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

The plan is not going to happen this year. It is for the next election. All that misinformation and psyop is for a gradual push towards another psyop.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Is Q a PsyOp?

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Passion and Intensity is slowly diminishing..We easily forget.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

The next censorship will probably be about investing..Stocks or Crypto per se. We will not be allowed to propagate wealth.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

A virus showed how weak and vunerable the world is.

A subreddit showed how weak and vunerable the financial system is.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

if you are in Robinhood, start moving to Kraken or Uphold and start pumping Alt Coins#Crypto#Robinhood#notfinancialadvice

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

PUMP & HOLD XRP FEB 1st, 2021 8:30AM EST#XRP#xrpcommmunity

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Pssst......Chelsea Clinton’s husband is a hedge fund manager

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Dear Billionaires...You will own nothing and you will be happy! KEK!

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Rich People: wHy dOn'T tHe pOoR jUsT iNvEsT tHeIr mOnEy
Poor People: Ok.
Rich People: ...
Rich People: wait STOP

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

When Hedge Fund Billionaires move markets, they receive bonuses. When ordinary people move market, they get shut down by Wall Street.

If you're feeling jazzed up about market manipulation today, here's a reminder that not one major Wall Street Executive went to jail for nearly disintegrating the economy in 2008.


Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Proud citizens like you helped build this country, and together, we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the American people.

- Donald Trump

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Sorry to keep you waiting; complicated business; complicated.

~ Donald Trump

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Who remembers when investment banks gambled away our economy in 2008 but then got bailed out. They are the same people crying about $GME.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Who remembers when investment banks gambled away our economy in 2008 but then got bailed out. They are the same people crying about $GME.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Reddit users/retail investors buy stocks = Manipulation

Fed printing 4T in fiat for Wall Street = Banking

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

“Regret voting for Biden” is now a Google search trend. 🤣🤣🤣

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

What if the "first arrest that will shock the world" is within DJT's family? Someone who has ties to let's say, Israel?

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Wall Street getting bullied by Reddit users is exactly the kind of energy we needed for 2021#wallstreet#gamestop

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

When morning comes and it's time to wake up:

1.) There are people who can immediately jump out of bed and conquer the day
2.) There are people who partially wakes up with the thought of "five more minutes"
3.) There are people who wake up on their 3rd alarm
4.) There are people who need a HUGE alarm bell
5.) There are people that need intense movement just to wake
6.) And there are those, who never do

That is 2021 folks.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

In history, the veil of ignorance and delusion had many names. Today, we call it Mainsteam Media projected in a machine that Tells a Vision.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future


Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Want to make God giggle? Tell Him your plans..

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Philippine Central Bank Widens Cryptocurrency Regulation — Sees ‘Accelerated Growth’ in Crypto Activity#cryptocurrency#Crypto#philippines

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming 🌪 Aussies for President Trump 🇺🇸🇦🇺❤️
FBI has opened the Tesla Vault...

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Tulsi Gabbard labels Adam Schiff, John Brennan as 'domestic enemies' of the US🤣😂🤣

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Compared with Gab, this platform is much, much easier to navigate and the site performance is really amazing. But the best part is, Anons are here.

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Will I get banned here if I say I LOVE TRUMP?🤣🤣🤣

Maharlika | Cyclist | Geek | Sumi-E | Crypto Investor | Self-proclaimed All-Around Nice Guy | Aware of Being Aware | Talking to the Future

Hello Anons!