Эмили Levkova
4 years ago

Эмили Levkova

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God FIRST•Proud Patriot and Trump Supporter•CEO of Clean Hands Michigan•Exiled by Twitter twice•

God FIRST•Proud Patriot and Trump Supporter•CEO of Clean Hands Michigan•Exiled by Twitter twice•

Hard Lessons in life tend to be the most Valuable.
Ive spent my entire life asking questions, some wrote it off as being nosey or defiant. Maybe in some regard, it perhaps is. I do however, know my heart is in the right place and Im choosing to put my faith in the Lord.

I pray to have the truth someday as well as seek forgiveness if I have ever wronged anyone. I also forgive all who may have hurt me in anyway. I choose to let go and I choose to love.

With that being said I wish all of you well and I hope you have a wonderful day! Peace be with you! 🙏🙏🙏😊

God FIRST•Proud Patriot and Trump Supporter•CEO of Clean Hands Michigan•Exiled by Twitter twice•


God FIRST•Proud Patriot and Trump Supporter•CEO of Clean Hands Michigan•Exiled by Twitter twice•

I'd rather suffer knowing thy Lord and be without anything than live in abundance without him.

If we are to exist is the cursed world forever, I wont give up on the Lord. I will not bend, I will not break for he has shown me the way and I am willing to die knowing him than live my life in vain, I died of myself when I came to him. I can never go back.