David Land
3 years ago

David Land

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Haunting of Andy Beshear - YouTube

This episode exposes how Andy Beshear's policies are coming back to haunt him; about KY history and more.#Kentucky #Beshear #COVID #Liberty #Freedom #Frankfo...

How masks work:
When you wear a mask you are cutting off at least 40% of the oxygen your body requires to stay healthy. Cancer attacks oxygen depleted cells!
Oxygen deprivation leads to Hypoxemia and Hypoxia. Oxygen is extremely necessary for all ages, but especially important for children!
When you cover your face and exhale and inhale: Our cells make carbon dioxide as a waste product from the process of converting food to energy. That carbon dioxide — and some water vapor — are removed by the lungs when we breathe and exhale them back into the atmosphere. Along with sneezing and coughing, the dust, dirt, carbon dioxide, germs and bacteria rest on the inside of your mask and act as a petri dish. Where the germs and bacteria have a rich environment to grow and be inhaled back into your lungs over and over again.
Masks de-humanize you, that is why slaves were told to wear them.

Note to Facebook: Facebook and all employees will be held accountable for the fraud they have taken part in. The false information that you perpetuate on an unsuspecting and ignorant public is unforgivable. You are responsible for millions of deaths now and in the future. Not even God can help you, nor would the supreme God want to. You are vile and evil to the core with no humanity or care about your fellow peoples in the US or anywhere in the world. Your world is coming down and the landing will be unpleasant to say the least. I will watch your demise and turn away from helping you in any way. The lives of the people and the harm to those who live will live in your heads until the day that you die and the devil himself will be happy to welcome you to the fiery gates of HELL.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pulled a fast one on Americans with its supposed “approval” of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.”

As it turns out, the Pfizer jab currently in use was not actually approved by the FDA, which Liberty Counsel says pulled a “bait and switch.”

The well-respected law firm released a statement recently explaining that in order to help push draconian vaccine mandates, the FDA essentially lied to the American public about the approval, which never technically happened.

According to Liberty Counsel, all existing Pfizer vials remain under the federal government’s “emergency use authorization” (EUA), which means that people have the “option to accept or refuse” it.

The third “booster” shot being pushed by Pfizer is also identical to the first two, meaning that it, too, is only authorized for emergency use and does not hold full approval.

“BioNTech received FDA approval for people ages 16 and above under the name Comirnaty, b

SHARE EVERYWHERE YOU CAN!!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/NZU2pSlZiI5M/

The "marches" being organized for 9/11 in DC are a trap.
Do not go.

The horrible truth on the Covid 19 Vaccine ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/NZU2pSlZiI5M/

To Brett Guthrie,
It is clear you have not compiled any research into the fake pandemic or the fake vaccine people are taking. You should be held responsible for the deaths of those that get the injection because of your misrepresentation of the immunity provided by these injections that have caused approximately 15,000 deaths, countless numbers of blood clots, strokes, miscarriages, blood cells stacking together, ED and other psychological and neurological complications. There are real scientist and doctors that have NOT been bought off to give a certain conclusion in their research. You should resign immediately from public service since you have failed not only the people of Kentucky but also people worldwide. I consider you to be a deep state snake that cares more for money than doing what is right!

By: David Michael Land©
American State National Kentucky Recording Secretary

Started Homeschooling my children. All of their teachers took the CV19 injection. So to keep my children safe from blood clots I had to pull them out of school. Spike proteins are given off by the injected and the spike proteins have caused blood clots.

Chapter 11 - USA Corp, Vatican & City Of London are bankrupted. 1871 Act Of England has been reversed. (MARITIME LAW TO 1776 COMMON LAW) The whole world will be shocked at the 1st Arrest because the whole world has been under the English Justice System.

It is the vaccines that are creating the variants. Stopping the vaccination will stop the variants in a year. Ivermectin should be used along with vitamins c and d. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/mrna-vaccine-expert-covid-19-vaccines-may-make-virus-more-dangerous/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa

The American Flag took the Gold in the Olympics for identifying as Chinese.

WOW the CDC finally admits that the PCR test does not differentiate between Influenza and the Covid. https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html

Any questions on USCodes can be looked up here :https://uscode.house.gov/browse.xhtml

Pass this around to your fellow nurses: Deaths from Covid “vaccine” so high that the fact can no longer be suppressed

17,503 Dead, 1.7 Million Injured (50% Serious) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@Lukesnonna Donald Trump is my President!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Trust the Man!! He has never let us down.

In response David Land to his Publication

Clicking on this link bears a message ‘This video is unavailable”. I guess youtube banned it? Figured I’d let you know. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🤷‍♀️

President Trump is a great man, but if you think he can fix things without you getting involved and helping yourself "You Are Mistaken" Change your status and help our President put things right! https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/

Happy 4th: WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form