David Mulloy
@singindaveyMarried, MAGA, Marine, and All-around Magnificent Human Being!! WWG1WGA NCSWIC singindavey38 on Truth Social

Bob Eddy Z
@falconeddyxGod, family , truth, love, honor ,gratitude forgiveness. Keep inside the cart it's getting bumpy. God bless you all! #f...

Least Invasive ..
@antidote528Universal Upgrade downloading... full services will resume shortly. 321... LOVE

Dennis 1776
@dmromePatriot, Conservative, Prayer Warrior, PureBlood! ...Love & Gratitude ... Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit !

The Ultra-Minot..
@theminotaur#ULTRA-MAGA, Retired Navy and Patriot. The oath never expires as long as I'm alive. https://t.me/NakedMinotaur

Silver Top
@SilveredChild of God, mother of two, retired R.N. Proud to be an American! God bless the USA!

John Q Bradley’..
@DogsAtPlayMy hubby was a Patriot, as am I - & Constitutional Conservative Christian, Texan, dog mom, digital soldier…WWG1WGA

Stavo Piqqoet
@Nebulas_VoidLabelled conspiracy theorist. Advocate of critical thinking. https://divingintothecosmicuniverse.wordpress.com/society-m...
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