cheri malmquist
@countrygirlanonNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

It is 'anonup' NOT 'anonsup' it???

I'm 74 & my Mom is 94...We have NEVER worn a mask even once. We refuse. We just shop online & at the 1 local grocery store in our tiny town that supports us all the way. The owner even loves our 'Love Trump' hats we both always wear for 2 yrs now. Many have told us they love our hats. Location: So California, base of Sequoia Nat'l Park

Wrong. NO requirement regarding formal education to be a Supreme Court Justice....look it up smart ass.

Jan: Trump is trying to say to 'general public'..dig, dig, dig. If you think & act like a moron...guess what the results will's all a lesson. One of many lessons we humans are here to learn while on Earth. Stop blaming others ...YOU take responsibility...You will then learn..Your just acting like the other sheep if you believe without research, prayer, etc. Get it together, stop being lazy.

Dear Jan Jackson: Sounds like the 'general public' needs to learn to think differently. Learn to research...deeply. Take a hint/crumb and see if you can build a cake, if not, look elsewhere. Trump has said so many times that he'd take the ivermectin, the hcq, regeneron, & never mentioned he'd take what big pharma puts out. Spend more 'homework' effort/time rather than looking at others for your answers....they are after all within.

Wow, I couldn't be more disappointed in you 'Sabrina Gal'. You very well know, or should, what the score is with Kimberly and all of the goings on in this battle of 'good vs evil'....... what part Trump &his family play in all of this. What a pack of vicious horrible lies you have put on your site/page here. Kimberly has talked ad nausem on TV about her being so very naive (sp?) about EVIL Newsome. I hope some day when you realize who (the Trumps) , whom you have slandered & doubted, truly are & why they are here on Earth at this most momentous time in our history you won't end up too devistated about your own self. DJT, his (God's) Alliance/Team, all of his Family, are true lovers of Good/God & the entire God Team & Their Plan. God wins this whole 'thing'.....done with you Sabrina.

🇺🇸🦅 “30 BIRDS” - from darkness to #LIGHT. WE R the #ARMYofLIGHT. #LoveWins #GodWins God Bless America
The light in the darkness.
Our spark of hope and trust.
The man who revived the "American dream".
Now it's the time to stand with the man who made us believe in our country. Donald Trump is the only person who can unite all patriots under one banner and provide justice.
Forward this post if you still stand with Trump!

Live with my 93 yr old Mom and neither of us EVER get sick with anything. We just sniff a drop or two of Colloidal Silver each AM and take good dose of quality Spirulina daily.....& no sugar

Live with my 93 yr old Mom and neither of us EVER get sick with anything. We just sniff a drop or two of Colloidal Silver each AM and take good dose of quality Spirulina daily.....& no sugar

Liking this guy more every day. Stay strong Vernon...we the warriors for God and all that's right in this world are strongly with YOU !!

I'd just add for police...add a big double their current salary !!!

🇺🇸🦅 “30 BIRDS” - from darkness to #LIGHT. WE R the #ARMYofLIGHT. #LoveWins #GodWins God Bless America
A 71 year old President Donald Trump waited up until 2am to welcome home 3 American hostages after being up over 20 hours. These are the things a good President would do. Trump was our Leader. He was our defense and friend. He's a man who loves this country and it's citizens!
God Bless President Trump!!

Well done Tom and absolutely Beautiful !! I just sat with my 93 yr old Mom who is valiantly trying to absorb and process all of what is going on in the world every day with my briefings and explanations. When I read your intelligent words here she was truly moved....grasping all of it....because you are so concise and bring the truth so simply to us all. Just wanted to let you know...much appreciated.

So 'dord' = density in dictionary....I think I get it. My intuition says you were intrigued because you also know we are in the process of ascending or jumping into 5th density. Not every human will make this upward move but those that have settled into high vibration/frequency will 1 morning wake up in a New Earth...others will continue in 3rd Density for further lessons/learning. Thank you for the super synchronicity post....I love it !! :-)

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
My favorite part of what's going on right now is it's bringing us all together as Americans!
- Religion doesn't matter
- Sexual preference doesn't matter
- Age doesnt matter
- Music taste doesnt matter
We're all Patriots!
That's what matters.