Alicia Franklyn
3 days ago

Alicia Franklyn

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Inspiring minds😊

The ATAR Notes HSC Survival Guide is a game-changer! Top-performing student insights, effective strategies, and comprehensive resources make studying for the HSC a breeze. Highly recommend for exam success!📚

The easy-to-use year 10 maths textbook covers two years of work and is mainly developed for students in NSW who are into the Intermediate Course in these two years.📖

When you choose carefully curated No Fear Shakespeare, you can enjoy both the original and the translated text side by side and it won’t take long to realise that it is a great tool for younger readers and first-time readers of Shakespeare’s plays.🤓


Reading time📖

Explore environmental science with this homeschooling gem! Perfect for Year 8-10, dive into ecology, renewable energy, climate change, and more. A must-have for in-depth science learning at home!📖📚