alan anon
3 years ago

alan anon

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The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Simple solution to Deadly Diseases – Reclassification!

The WHO and it’s alliance partners, their BIG Pharma sponsors, NGO’s, Gates Foundation and the like and Governments around the world etc. embraced a simple way to mass eradicate diseases for decades - Reclassification!

Big Pharma revenue needs, Government necessity to distract masses from their corruption and the pepetual desire to keep people in fear revives these diseases from time to time!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

The Center for Disease Control(CDC) outsourced Coronavirus research to the Wuhan Virology Lab via a complex maze of interrelated private entities which funded the Wuhan Lab for the manufacture of Coronavirus!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Coronavirus - A manufactured Pathogen for Profit and Depopulation!

On April 25, 2003, The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) filed a patent US7776521B1 "Coronavirus Isolated from Humans"!

Under 35 US Code Sec. 101, Nature is Prohibited from being patented!

CDC's patent implied that Coronavirus was manufactured!

On May 14, 2007, The CDC filed a petition with the Patent Office to keep their application confidential!

The CDC filed patents also on Coronavirus Detection and the Kit to measure it!

The CDC patents allowed the CDC to control who could investigate Coronavirus, develop a test kit for it, measure it, develop a vaccine for it, et cetera!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response Ann Retzlaff to her Publication

FBI set them up and the victims were the leading specialist investigators in child pornography/trafficking!

The immense amount of experience/leads lost would, the FBI hopes would make most investigations involving the elites dead ended!

The good thing is Patriots are now able to see themselves the evil working of the elites and that scares the FBI!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response alan anon to his Publication

In the Balkans, a large part of the internet traffic today goes through providers bought by Petraeus’ Kolhberg Kravis Roberts, the original Leveraged Buyout Firm! Petraeus is a partner of KKR and chairman of KKR Global Initiative since 2013!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Remember Dominion Office in Serbia!

In 1999, David Petraeus assisted in the planning and coordination of the bombings of Serbia as aide-de-camp to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Hugh
Petraeus served as Assistant Chief of Staff of the NATO Stabilization Force (SFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and as a Deputy Commander of a clandestine counter-terrorist unit charged with capturing Serbs wanted by the Hague in 2001-2002.

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Pfizer vaccine was designed by BioNTech co-founder Ugur Sahin in just a few hours on Jan 25, 2020!

BioNtech was founded by the husband wife, Turkish German Ugur Sahin and Dr. Özlem Türeci. They are now billionaires thanks to covid!

Surprisingly, Turkey’s PM Erdogan has shown little interest in the vaccine hailed as a Turkish immigrant success story! Even after personally meeting with Ugur Sahin !
Erdogan ordered only 4 million doses and that too in Dec 2020!

Moderna’s Vaccine was designed in two days!


The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

There are no Coincidences!

Jim Pierce, cousin of George W. Bush, was managing director of AON Corporation which had offices on the 83rd floor of the South Tower on 9/11

Jim had arranged a meeting on the 105th floor of the South Tower that morning.

Jim survived despite the fact that eleven people out of the twelve people who came to the meeting in the South Tower died.

Apparently, the location of the meeting had been changed to the Millennium Hotel and all the attendees had not been notified!

Jim watched the South Tower collapse from the comforts of the Millennium Hotel

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Greta Thunberg chose to sail rather than fly to the UN Climate conference in Aug 2019 in New York, for environmental considerations!

She sailed in a 60 foot racing yacht, the Malizia II that cost Euro 4 million + to build.

The yacht was captained by renowned yachtsman Boris Herrmann and Pierre Casiraghi, the son of Monaco's Princess Caroline.

BMW and Swiss bank EFG were sponsors of the Malizia II which was owned by German property tycoon Gerhard Senft, who bought it from Swiss-French finance group Edmond de Rothschild.

Malizia II was previously named Edmond de Rothschild!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response alan anon to his Publication

The Indian Police has announced that Twitter has refused to cooperate with Indian law enforcement’s request to censor disinformation about the Sikh/Khalistani riots in India!

Indian Police has visited Twitter's Indian office several times in the last few days and is likely to prosecute Twitter if it continues to refuses to cooperate!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Greta Thunberg promoted a toolkit to encourage rioting in India which prompted Indian police to register a complaint involving “sedition, criminal conspiracy” and commence necessary investigation.

The toolkit appeared to have been organized by the Sikh Khalistani Terrorists groups which was responsible for bombing of Air India Flight 182 out of Vancouver on June 23, 1985. 280 people, mostly Indian origin Canadian citizens died.

Greta Thunberg’s tweets and toolkit promotion also has a Soros connection!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

There is some news that Myanmar military is intending to prosecute /issue arrest warrants for several westerners closely associated with Soros and Clinton re the election rigging allegations against the civilian leadership in Myanmar!

Myanmar has already detained several westerners including Australian Sean Turnell who was supposedly the economic adviser to Myanmar’s civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response alan anon to his Publication

After California failed to fully implement United States Supreme Court order in Brown vs. Plata (2011) to reduce prison crowding and to implement new parole programs, Harris appealed the decisions on grounds that if inmates were released early, prisons would lose an important labor pool!

Harris appealed the dismissal of an indictment when it was revealed that a Kern County, California prosecutor perjured in submitting falsified confessions.

Harris asserted that prosecutorial perjury was not sufficient to demonstrate prosecutorial misconduct!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response alan anon to his Publication

In March 2015, California Superior Courts Judge wanted Harris to take over a criminal case after Orange County DA Tony Rackauckus was revealed to have illegally employed jailhouse informants and concealed evidence.

Harris refused, appealing the order and defending Rackauckus!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response alan anon to his Publication

In 2015, Harris defended convictions obtained by County prosecutors who had inserted a false confession into an interrogation transcript, committed perjury and withheld evidence!

Federal Appeals Court Judge Alex Kozinski threw out the convictions telling Harris’s lawyers “talk to the Attorney General and make sure she understands the gravity of the situation”

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response alan anon to his Publication

In 2010, Deborah J. Madden of San Mateo working at the Police Crime Lab was supposed to vouch for the weight and purity of seized drugs but used the cocaine instead.

The theft of cocaine by Madden forced Kamala Harris to drop drug charges in 1275 cases

In 2012, Supreme Court Judge Anne Christine Massullo ruled that the SF DA Harris’ office violated defendants’ right by hiding damaging information about a police crime lab technician and was indifferent to demands that it accounts for its failings”

Jeff Adachi, SF public defender said “Harris was slow to grasp the enormity of the scand

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Kamala Iyer Harris' Malpractice & Malfeasance

An “actually innocent” man Daniel Larsen spent 14 years in jail and Attorney General Kamala Harris still did not want to release him!

Daniel Larsen had been sentenced to 28 years to life under California’s there strikes law in 1999.

A Federal Judge in 2009 had declared Larsen “actually innocent” and ordered his release

Harris refused to release Larsen on a paperwork technicality “because Larsen had missed the deadline to file the writ of habeas corpus”

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office dismissed all charges on Jan 2

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response alan anon to his Publication

Bill Gates Jr

Part 3

Gary Kildall developed the Control Program for Microcomputers.

CP/M source code was stolen to create MS-DOS by Bill Gates Jr.

Kildall and Gates had known each other for years and had freely shared ideas in the Home Brew Computer Club, a group that Kildall had founded.

Bill Gates Sr. was on board of King County United Way and Planned Parenthood and founded the Technology Alliance whose mission was to promote Gates Jr' business and stifle all competition.

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response alan anon to his Publication

Bill Gates Jr

Part 2

William Henry Gates III (Bill Gates) ‘s mother Mary Maxwell Gates (née Maxwell) was the first female president of King County's United Way, the first woman to chair the national United Way’s executive committee where she served with IBM's CEO, John Opel.

Mary Maxwell persuaded IBM’s John Opel to meet with her son and give him IBM business!

John Opel ‘s contract with Bill Gates Jr caused IBM revenue to bleed for decades while building up Microsoft at IBM’s expense!
Gary Kildall is credited for creating the first personal computer operating system.

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Bill Gates Jr (William Henry Gates III)

Part 1

Mary Maxwell, Bill Gates' mother persuaded John Opel to Give her son IBM business;

Bill Gates stole from Gary Kildall who later died mysteriously.

Bill Gates Sr founded Preston Gates & Ellis LLP which financed/underwrote/issued Seattle and Washington Bonds.

Preston Gates was into endorsing politicians and lobbying for and campaigning for them, raising finance for their elections across the political spectrum!

Preston Gates main role however was to threaten Microsoft competition!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Found the Patriots/MAGA party and get you voice heard and a new Republic!

America today is the most corrupt and theatrical country in the World! It has been this way even prior to the War!

Next time, they tell you how America was ushering in Freedom and Liberty in other countries; you know that it means, they were stealing Democracy there!

Know this; they are afraid of you more than ever! See all those troops!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Do not worry of them cancelling you! Cancel them instead!

Be thankful if they cancel you! It means you are doing something
right, legal, moral and ethical and they are afraid!

Use technology but do not rely less on it; it is meant to suppress you!

Do not retreat ever, even from social media platforms.

Abandon e-commerce, big corporations, and big media!

The rank and file of the Military may not be corrupt but the high ranking Generals are after the million dollar Media/Lobbying jobs after their service! America is the only country where this is a tradition!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Trump can birth a new Republic, by founding a new Party!

People can birth a new Republic, by founding a new Party!

The Establishment is afraid of a new Party, just as they are afraid of your conversation, engagement and awakening!

They stole your vote; do not let them steal your History!

Keep all evidence, call out their lies, and counter all false narratives that will be thrust upon you in days, years to come!

Remain vigilant, keep note of who were with you and who were not, and keep notes of everything in a diary, with a pen on paper! For posterity.

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

FBI Vault has new document which is about Community Outreach! We should by now know what it means - It simply means that they want community informers!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

WHO Part1

The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) has been a member of a Terrorist organisation which engaged in kidnapping, rape, execution of political opponents et cetera

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the Director-General of the World Health Organisation directing the Covid worldwide effort!

Tedros was a senior member of Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) which had been listed as a terrorist organisation in the Global Terrorism Database since 1976 when it was first found to be engaging in kidnapping and hostage-taking!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

The Communists are here!

Part 1

Kamala Harris’ boyfriend then mayor of San Franciso Willie Brown propelled her political career!

Brown was a long-time communist sympathizer. He was first elected to public office with the help of the Communist Party USA youth wing.

Brown was funded by Dr. Carlton Goodlett, a communist newspaper owner once awarded the Lenin Prize by the government of the former Soviet Union.

Harris met Lateefah Simon when the latter was on board of Oakland-based Youth Empowerment Center and promoted her political career.

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

In response THE REAL GHOST to his Publication

Never Retreat! Keep going back and multiply! Twitter's agenda will eventually fail.

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Venezuelans did not choose Communist dictator Hugo Chavez; Jimmy Carter chose Chavez for Venezuela!

Jimmy Carter met Hugo Chavez and media billionaire Gustavo Cisneros, who owns Venevision, in June 2004 to persuade Cisneros to help Chavez win the recall referendum in Aug, 2004!

Carter Center provided funding and logistical support to help Chavez.

Carter Center provided part funding to Smartmatic which was deployed successfully by Chavez to win the recall!

Jimmy Carter had previously travelled to Venezuela in 1998 and 2000 and had very warm relations with Hugo Chavez!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Biden CIA Chief Nominee William Joseph Burns is a Chinese Spy!

Part 4

The work of the university’s military AI lab, called “Military Intelligent High-End Lab” and established in 2018, would be “guided by military needs” and would help build China into an advanced AI country.

The person who led the efforts to build China AI operations is Chinese spy Fei-Fei Li who was appointed to the Board of Directors of Twitter last year!

The Truth is hiding in plain sight.

Biden CIA Chief Nominee William Joseph Burns is a Chinese Spy!

Part 3

China uses UFWD to neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Tsinghua University received more than 100 million yuan ($ 14 million) from the Science and Technology Committee of China’s Central Military Commission, China to work on an AI project for the military.