Samuel Saldana
10 hours ago

Samuel Saldana

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#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Rabbi Alon Anava: Birth pains of the Messiah!

[My dear friends we are here now ⬇️!
People repent, turn to Hashem (God) and keep his laws in the Torah]

Rabbi Alon Anava: Birth pains of the Messiah - YouTube

#Messiah #Jews #Judaismsource:

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

F-47 = 17 = "Q"

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Haplogroups of European kings and queens

[What's your Haplogroup? Who's your Daddy?]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Shavua Tov everyone! 💙✡️🇮🇱 🎗️🌎🙇‍♂️🙏😎

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Shabbat Shalom! 💙✡️🕯️🕯️🥖🥖🍷🕍🕎
House of David, Casa de David, Son of Jesse
Shiloh-Zemah ben Yishai, Sammy

Matanot Ktanot/Pequeños Regalos - Cantan: Tzemed Yeled (Subtítulos Hebreo y Español) - YouTube

- Adquirir desde: También aquí: Suscríbete aquí: Canal secundario: https://goo.g...

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Famous people's Y-DNA listed by haplogroup

[What's your Haplogroup? Who's your daddy??]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Famous people's Y-DNA listed by haplogroup

[What's your Haplogroup? Who's your daddy??]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Haplogroups of European kings and queens

[What's your Haplogroup? Who's your Daddy?]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Haplogroups of European kings and queens

[What's your Haplogroup? Who's your Daddy?]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

משיח חי בן יוסף בן דוד בן ישי אליהו בקודים בתורה מתתיהו גלזרסון

[אני אוהב את הרב גלזרסון, לצד החברים והמשפחה הקרובים שלי, הוא יכול לקרוא אותי כמו ספר!]

משיח חי בן יוסף בן דוד בן ישי אליהו בקודים בתורה מתתיהו גלזרסון - YouTube

To Support Our Channel - WEBSITE -משיח חי בן יוסף בן דוד בן ישי אליהו בקודים בתורה מ...

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Messiah is alive, Elijah, Son of Joseph, Son of David in Bible Code Matityahu Glazerson

Messiah is alive Elijah Son of Joseph Son of David in Bible Code Matityahu Glazerson - YouTube

To Support Our Channel - WEBSITE - is alive Elijah Son of Joseph Son of David ...

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Spanish Land Grants. The history of land grants in Texas was made by the Spanish crown to establish a mission in Texas & Mexico.

[When our family came to New Spain, we received large Land Grands from king Ferdinand of Aragon, they were stolen from us,]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Are the Druze people descendants of Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses?

The initial adherents had been concentrated in Lebanon among a group that is believed to have initially come from Persia and to already have had beliefs similar to those later associated with the Druze. The Druze in Israel revere Jethro and consider him their forefather. Jethro (Yitro) was the father of Zippora (Tsipporah) the wife of Moses.

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Sharia in the Heart of Texas: The Stealth Expansion of the Islamic Center of Quad Cities (Video)

[We need to get rid of these people. they are contrary to our USA Constitution, they are not here to follow the Constitution! Get them OUT!]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Sharia in the Heart of Texas: The Stealth Expansion of the Islamic Center of Quad Cities (Video)

[We need to get rid of these people. they are contrary to our USA Constitution, they are not here to follow the Constitution! Get them OUT!]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Will Barack Obama be the first arrest?

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Shavua Tov everyone, have a blessed and prosperous week! 💙✡️🇮🇱 🎗️🙇‍♂️🙏😎

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Purim Sameach 💙✡️🕯️🕯️🥖🥖🍷🕍🕎 🥳🎉🎭📜🙏

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Happy Purim! 🥳🎉🎭📜🙏

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Messiah Purim in 5776 (2016) Letters Skip and in 5785 (2025) Letters Skip Matityahu Glazerson
Happy Purim! 🥳🎉🎭📜🙏

[I did a video on this code after seeing Rabbi Glazerson. So, let's see what is underneath hidden in this code!]

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Messiah Purim in 5776 (2016) Letters Skip and in 5785 (2025) Letters Skip Matityahu Glazerson

Happy Purim! 🥳🎉🎭📜🙏

[I did a video on this code after seeing Rabbi Glazerson. So, let's see what is underneath hidden in this code!]

Messiah Purim in 5776 (2016) Letters Skip and in 5785 (2025) Letters Skip Matityahu Glazerson - YouTube

To Support Our Channel - Purim in 5776 (2016) Letters Skip and in 5785 (2025) Letters Skip Matityahu Glazer...

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Not in this coming video, but maybe my following one I will be making a video and explaining what this is. My coming video will stun the world!

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Israel Made a CRUCIAL Mistake in Trump Hostage Meeting.

[I agree with Yishai totally but add that ALL of them together should have started at the Temple Mount or at Joseph Tomb - thanking Hashem FIRST! then all of them together✈️seeing President Trump.]

Israel Made a CRUCIAL Mistake in Trump Hostage Meeting - YouTube

No rosy scenario ahead but Israel can do better. Yishai weighs in... For more on the Tomb of Yosef HaTzadik below:"Tragedy at Tomb of Joseph and Joy with Jo...

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Did Jacob Predict the Coming of Jesus When He Blessed Judah? - Rabbi Tovia Singer


Did Jacob Predict the Coming of Jesus When He Blessed Judah? - Rabbi Tovia Singer - YouTube

Help us combat aggressive Jewish evangelism in Israel:’s Get Biblical Study Guide (Volume 1 & 2) https://outreachjud...

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Shavua Tov everyone! 💙✡️🇮🇱 🎗️🌍🙇‍♂️🙏😎

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB

Shabbat Shalom! 💙✡️🕯️🕯️🥖🥖🍷🕍🕎
House of David, Casa de David, Son of Jesse,
Shiloh - Zemah ben Yishai, Sammy
בית דויד
שילה-צמח בןישי, סמי