Greg Holbrook
3 years ago

Greg Holbrook

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Follower of Jesus Christ, husband, father and just a carpenter Christian Constitutionalists

Follower of Jesus Christ, husband, father and just a carpenter Christian Constitutionalists

PSA—- $8100 that’s how much every person in the USA that is over 18 would get if they gave us all the $1,700,000,000,000 (1.7 trillion dollars)in their so called stimulus package . There are right at 210,000,000 (210 million people over 18 in the USA). By the way who is it supposed to be stimulating?

And we are listening to them fuss about giving us back $600 or $1400 of our own dollars? How about we keep all our money right here in the USA? Or we just don’t pay it in to start with and then they don’t have it to give away.

When is the government ever going to have to be responsible with OUR MONEY ? It’s not theirs to spend.

Follower of Jesus Christ, husband, father and just a carpenter Christian Constitutionalists