Vee Wallace
2 years ago

Vee Wallace

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Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

This is like something Hitler/Nazi Germany would do.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Also, how long have they been experimenting with this, and what babies were used in their test runs ??? This would seem a crime against humanity itself.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

One minute they say that the world is over populated, then they say there is a birth shortage that is threatening the future of mankind ??? So much to say on the topic, but censorship...

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Also interesting that the dagger tattoo was not mentioned in the supposed autopsy report.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Paula Taylor to her Publication

It is going to be a very interesting day. Juan is saying Trump will likely announce a 2024 run. He also said alot of ppl will jump ship at this low point... but it will be the ones who hold the line who will be the true heroes. No matter what happens, we cannot throw our hands up and quit. Disappointment is a given with all that is happening, but I heard something recently that is pretty key: "You must expect to be hurt if you are going to speak the Truth." I think that goes even further in that we are often hurt by those closest to us when we stand for Truth -- Pain comes when we are struck in the heel. which is coming. But the PAIN the enemy will suffer in the end will crush the head of the snake and usher in a window of healing for those who stood strong in the darkest hours.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Starting to understand why they want the public to hate Russia? Hunt for Red October, they used a sub to try to blame NK for starting a war (because they controlled Kim). Failed. Red October, no longer hunting for it, all efforts are targeted on blaming Russia by organizing another False Flag. They need us in a war for their money machine and power grabs, all the better if they can blame Russia who hates the DS as much as Trump. A False Flag doesn't mean serious things don't happen, even deaths... it means that the narrative, the cover story given to the public (what caused it and why) is false.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

It wasn't a false alert, it was a cover up of an assassination attempt.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Recall. In 2018, the DS fired a missile at Trump's plane from a sub from the direction of NK to blame Kim. The assassination attempt failed. They have tried and tried to get the US in a war to distract from their militarizing all our systems and infiltrating all levels of power in America (while the ppl are distracted with programming on television and the internet, and a failing economy by design). They hate Putin because he is a nationalist like Trump. They want the US at war, and they want to blame Russia for starting it.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

I can't remember exactly what Juan said or what interview it was, but some time back he mentioned the Durham investigation and kind of hinted that it might not end in some big finale. He said something to the effect that we would have to wait and see if anything comes from his investigation, and that he wasn't sure it would be all that people were expecting.

It was like he was preparing people to understand that a win is not always a court victory... as though it was more about establishing a record of key info that would be needed down the road.

I kind of feel like Kash may be hinting at the same thing... for people to focus on the things learned and put on the record that will be key later. idk. Totally brainstorming. But kind of get the impression that this trial will not end with the bang that people were expecting.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Btw, McConnell shared this info Feb 2021 on his site. The public has not heard about it because censorship is real, and the mainstream media is one of many systems of our nation that have been infiltrated and taken over by belligerent forces. According to the law of war manual, the time frame has passed for foreign agents to identify their affiliation with the enemy. Because they have not, they are now officially spies, enemy combatants/ belligerent forces.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

The (((+))) in the video above was a picture from the drops that would be a signifier... Q+ is believed to be Trump. He has never officially been associated with Q, until recently (the lapel pin in the repost, and the WWG1WGA song now played at the end of his rallies). Clear identifiers now that this covert -- literal war -- is hitting a climax. The drop was saying + would confirm with WWG1WGA, that would be the signal... (((+))) has now become (((WWG1WGA))) just like Q posted in the drop. Trump is making a clear reference to Q. That's as best as I can understand things, I may not have it exact ???

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication
LIVE Explosions At FBI Headquarters Washington DC - YouTube

LIVE LANDCast Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. LAND SPECULATION is a live discussion-based daily stream in which we discuss critical topics to a backdrop of releva...

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

We need to pray at a time when they bring every device against the President (Trump), his family, MAGA crowd, and the American people.. that God would bring confusion and terror into the camp of the enemy. That Satan and his minions are scattered in foolishness and fear as God's people take the stage. This is the moment we've all been waiting for.
~ Juan

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Not crazy about all the language in this episode, a little over the top. But oh well.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Erin Smith to her Publication

LOL! ... yeah, I just bought two boxes of Frosted Flakes, Publix bogo. And that's one that he points out in the video.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Man or Woman, working through Life's hurts can be a crazy walk, but we are never alone in it. God is with us, he feels our tears and our joys because he has walked the yuck that is this life in a temporary broken world.

Where ever you are in the process, be encouraged. You can be honest with God (always with respect), but you don't have to be fake. You are free to be real. God wants sincere and honest conversations with us... that's the only way to know true intimacy in relationship.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

The only truly profane words are using the Lords name in vain. Otherwise, who says what are acceptable words or not. Poop, Crap, Shit, Dung... it's all the same stuff. Consider your audience, and yet, sometimes ugly words are necessary to convey ugly truths. I just don't have an issue with such things, no disrespect or offense intended.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

What if Juan O Savin isn't a name but a Military Op?

Totally brainstorming.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

EDIT: 10 Savin Hill didn't appear on the map search, but 11 did. But Zillow has a listing for 10. Either way, the addresses are off for the houses on this street.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Hawaii50 Assembly to her Publication

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response LanieLou _MAGADonian to her Publication

Heartbreaking. Will definitely be praying.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Ashka 4517 to her Publication

Maybe so, but however it plays out, it will appear that he has been arrested.

Christ Follower, Army Brat, Formerly Penpoint777,

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Juan has hinted at this being the gut punch in several interviews, but this is the first time that I have heard him say it so plainly.