Truth Seeker
2 years ago

Truth Seeker

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It has been a while since I posted but wanted to come on here to see if anyone else is feeling duped? I know that in the end, I put all of my trust in God. I have grown tired of "trusting the plan" grab your popcorn, enjoy the show, etc. I honestly feel like they are all in on it and playing us. I don't trust anyone anymore, including Trump or the "white hats". My faith in humanity is gone because I feel that with all the harm that is being allowed to happen to children with the jabs and the new FDA approvals, no one is here to save us, except God. It is time to turn to Him and Him alone. Many have died, we've been lied to over and over. Elections have never been fair and only the chosen ones have gotten ahead. Us regular folks are being used. Does anyone else have any thoughts? I'd like to hear them. God bless, everyone.

Is anyone else getting tired of hearing about "big things happening" "trust the plan" etc? It is getting a bit discouraging as I don't see anything changing. I see more and more corruption, voter fraud, deceptions like the Jan 6 committee hearings, etc. We all know the DS is deep but I am no longer confident we are going to see any changes in our lifetime. I know one thing, God is the only one I trust and still have faith that evil will NOT win! In the meantime, we have families hurting because of inflation, more crime, lawlessness, and definitely more suicides. Does anyone think we are being played?

Beginning to think that we have all been duped. I'm not getting a good feeling about any of this anymore because it is getting difficult to discern what is truth and what is fiction. I can't accept that the things happening now are acceptable to God and if there are "white hats" why are they allowing food shortages, baby formula shortages etc? Time to re-evaluate and perhaps get away from all of these platforms for a while just to reconnect with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the end it is God that I trust, not man.

I don't post often simply because I know that the people on here are like-minded and are here for a similar reason. This is the only place I can come to that allows me to be my authentic self. I have a spouse who is on a different path and one that I will not be a part of. He has trusted the science and the govt, whereas, I have not. Our kids are teens and have been brainwashed by public schooling. I feel alone in my day-to-day life but here is where I come to feel connected and for strength to keep going. I know God is in control and I know we are very close to the end and a new beginning. I will continue to pray for a speedy outcome of ridding this planet of all things evil. Thank you to all of you who post regularly. Your posts give me inspiration and keep me company. I may not comment much but I do read them and am comforted by the fact that I am not alone. God bless each of you. WWG1WGA!

Is anyone here on Truth Social yet? I'm on a very long waitlist.

Quick question... I know that those of us who are here, for the most part, believe that we have been in an active war for quite some time. We also believe that the military has been in control the whole time. How can we bring charges against anyone, namely employers, school districts, etc., for violating the Nuremberg Code when it has not been announced that we are at war? Does it have to be announced?

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

Good Morning!! Does anyone know where I can purchase a hard copy of Jon O'Savin's book, Kid By The Side of The Road? I know where I can find the ebook but would prefer a hard copy. TIA!