11.3 Equals Start
6 days ago

11.3 Equals Start

Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

DOW closed at 30,303.17

Quick math: 3+3+3+1+7 = ?

Yes...we shall: $GME

Who created 45office.com?

The website was created at 22:24:19 UTC according to GoDaddy.

Could it be?

Interesting timing.

Why the rush?

Could it be because DC is a foreign land and Biden has no authority?

Do [they] know what is coming?

I think so.

Original reports of gunshots in the White House turned out to be Sleepy Joe trying to turn on the lights...


1/27/21 12:20 am. WH Dark like the rest of the week.

INSANE: Joe Biden Signs Executive Order Banning the Term "China Virus"

Can we get#Chinavirus trending?

OK, how about we just call it "Engineered Bat Virus Developed in Wu Han, China Lab Funded by Fauci"?#WuFlu

Sauce ---> https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/insane-joe-biden-signs-executive-order-banning-term-china-virus/

They must be applying the Dominion method

I want to share I picture I put together that explains my evolution of I how consume information

WE are the news now.

Please share if you have traveled a similar path.