Robert Young
@The_Rob_MatrixNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

😜Ever have that feeling that all the good posts are taken?

Trump claims to want to drain the swamp, yet he keeps endorsing swamp creatures like McCarthy. There must be something I'm not seeing or there's a plan in place regarding McCarthy that will pay off later. Personally, I think he got fooled yet again by another RINO. Sometimes, you gotta put trust in your back pocket.

I am looking for information on protests or perhaps just gatherings of@KariLake supporters today or any other day this week to protest or speak out against the judges ruling in her election lawsuit. I live in Phoenix and my wife and I, old as we are, are tired of sitting idly by and hoping the corrupt courts will fix ... anything.

Real Raw News and the White Hat Military supposedly believed that Trump's big "announcement" was about NFT's. I guess sometimes you catch more fish than necessary in your net.

Trump played them all.... again. Stable Genius.

So, the GOPs answer to Democrat cheating in elections is to cheat better?

Our Government is literally just playin' around with us for their own amusement. Both sides, i.e. there is only one side.

Yes on Assange
No on Snowden

So what I'm hearing is this. Let's move on from 2020 and even 2022 and let the Democrats do it again in 2024. I'm sorry man, but this is not one of the most important days in human history as Trump proclaimed before tonight. This was all ego in my opinion. Everyone knew he was gonna run again if 2020 never got fixed, but he just left 2020 in the dust. I'm actually kinda mad.

We live in a world full of "what have you done for me lately" types. The comments floating around on other social media sites, including TRUTH social, stating that President Trump should "STFU" are not surprising when you realize this.

I can't help but notice that a lot of RINO types are propping up Ron DeSantis. Maybe DeSantis is not the saint everybody want's him to be? There are of course 2 sides to this coin.

BETO has literally pulled a TRIFECTA.
Ran for President - LOST
Ran for Senator - LOST
Ran for Governor - LOST
Imagine being one of his donors. No, really, imagine it.

The cheating is so obvious today in my state of AZ. I will be on my way to deliver my ballot as soon as my work day ends. I look forward to the challenge.