Juana Talk
3 years ago

Juana Talk

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such lies. all this time and money for nothing just lies.

we know we already know.


people are getting tired of the lies. i dont blame them.

here is another examplw of right in your damn face.

they have always too you. sometimes reading qhats on the line isnt good enough you must read between that motherf*****

🤣 look how nurves the dick head on the left is. lol he is shiity himself. 😆


lol. just the insanely brainwashed will be okay with this mess

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In response Juana Talk to her Publication

LOL nice one, first time I have seen this!

🔍 "Introducing Queen Romana Didulo: Head of State & Commander-In-Chief of The Kingdom of Canada"
💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/introducing-romana-didulo-head-of-state-commander-in-chief-of-the-sovereign-republic-of-canada
💊 https://link-tube.com/OperationQ

what im about to write come right from Queen romana page on telegram. she posted the video too.
Amazing technology is it not?
This character looks very much like the CEO of the bankrupt corporation Canada who was#EXECUTED for:

1.misprison of#Treason
2. sidicious conspiracy
3.crimes against humanity.


they are not going to stop at all are they?


slip of the tough my ass. listen til the end.

they are not going to stop at all are they?



here is another dancing fool. i guess hes dancing so no mask is needed cause the Variant is juat that smart. they are all safe. keep dancing people thats how you stay virus free.

America leadership everybody, WHILE ARE BOARDERS ARE WIDE OPEN, and people flood in with covid positive people she is out here Dancing with no mask and inches away from people.
Boy oh Boy. these viruses now a days are super smart. covid knows when your sitting and eatting and doesnt infect you while this new Variant knows when yorur celebrating and dancing. smh

The bueaty. All thanks to the amazing creator.

thank you magnificent creator for allow us this gift of life. your creation is a bueatiful. we are such an amazibg creation. God only makes bueatiful things. you are bueatiful too.

🤣🤣🤣 Elon Musty......🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 peepee rocket. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg i cant.

the cuban people know whats up. time to slay the dragons head.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh she thought he was there to support he was he was to aupport truth and we the people. i pray for you AOC.

i love all of you. 🥰🥰

this needs to happen more. confront them in their hypocrisy. these people want us to belive they are what they say they are. sorry i wont aid your lies and im not stupid enough to believe that a person born a man is a women. sorry not sorry.

now i dont have a problem with how you want to dress and act but dont tell me to my face you a women cause clearly thats a lie.