Vadim Chernov
4 years ago

Vadim Chernov

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Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Therefore, I repeat once again, Ukraine has the same direct relationship to MH17 as Russia. SBU officers kidnapped the businessman in Kyiv, tortured him and forced to give 7 bitcoins, - Law enforcement officers were informed about the suspicion of theft of cryptocurrency, robbery combined with violence, kidnapping and abuse of office.
Pay your attention to this part of text in the article ""After that, Volkov BC, a senior operative from the State Security Counterintelligence Department in the Security Service of Ukraine, made a report on the detention of a man on Independence Square in Kyiv as a wanted person and in need of extradition to Russia. The man was later transferred to the Shevchenko Police Department. How he was released is still unclear, "the statement concluded.

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

CALL CONGRESS: 202-224-3121

Tell Republicans to stand united and vote "NO" on Nancy Pelosi's $1.2 trillion "infrastructure bill" or her $3.5 trillion "budget"!

These bills are jammed-packed with Marxist garbage . . .

***The Green New Deal

***Establishes an Environmental "peace corps" aka an army of leftist activists

***Electric vehicle mandates that enslave Americans to China batteries.

***Amnesty for illegals. . .the list goes on!

I need your help to mobilize against this bill and urge your Representatives to VOTE NO!

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Yesterday I sent an official letter to the Security Service of Ukraine by e-mail with the aim of starting the persecution of the agents of Moscow, who in 2016 organized activities against me on the territory of Ukraine in order to receive my programs in geophysics. So far there has been no answer. Probably after Independence Day (August 24) I will have to go to this Service on foot. Taking into account the fact that these actions of Moscow agents in 2016 were carried out with the support of the Security Service of Ukraine, we can say that in recent years there have been changes for the better in this situation. And there is a chance that they will finally do their counterintelligence work.
It would be surprising if the special services everywhere began to fulfill their direct duties not in favor of the personnel of these special services, but in favor of the states to whom they are obliged to serve.

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Opium brotherhood.

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Vadim Chernov, [01.08.21 15:23]
Reference # 210730-005913
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Article shared on 11 Mar 2021
Lin Wood
The judicial branch of our government failed us in refusing to follow rule of law in lawsuits challenging irregularities in November 3, 2020 election. evidence of election irregularities, unlawful procedures, and fraud was never reviewed by any court contrary to claims by propaganda media and activist anti-Trump lawyers. cases were never reviewed or decided on merits.
What is explanation for this failure?
How can we have confidence in rule of law if our judicial system refuses itself to follow law?
Was justiciable system manipulated or complicit?
Serious questions that must be answered.
Courts Repeatedly Ignored Merits Of Trump’s Election Claims
The losing side needed to know that fair shake was given, and that justice prevailed, even if it wasn't outcome they wanted. That did

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Where is Biden?

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development

Antiphase sines event horizon function cause Dunning effect. Truth-means of production-Isn't right private it I support allround development