The Navigator -V
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Solar Cycle 25 peaks in 2025

Their greed shall destroy them all.

HRC 2033
14. That the Members of the Legislature hereby notify the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and the Members of Congress from the State of Arizona that it is the justifiable position of the Arizona State Legislature that we set aside the results of the Maricopa, Pima and Yuma County elections as irredeemably compromised and reclaim the 2020 Presidential Electors due to the irredeemably flawed nature of these elections that prevent the declaration of a clear winner of said presidential electors.


Fast of Esther begins.

When the Earth applies tremendous pressure upon coal it forms diamonds. This is the natural process of evolution, alchemical transformation.
When the world applies tremendous pressure upon you, it is not meant to break or destroy you. This is the natural process of spiritual evolution, your alchemical transformation.

Those who see sadness and death in the autumn, do not know that the flowers of spring and the fruits of summer only exist for what has died and nourished the roots of the plants. The tree that has died gives fire and heat for the harsh winter. The slaughtered animal feeds the entire family. Sleep is what forces you to wake up. Only shadows allow you to recognize light.
Anyone who is looking for the light, must go through the night, because the dawn only finds its contrast in the shadows, and the stars can only be seen in the dark space. Uncovering the hidden is key to creating the new.

Reality was made to transform itself, and everything that is conditioned into patterns must one day be broken to create something new. That is why Conditional Love is not something lasting, but perishable, that is why attachment is harmful for those who seek to transcend higher levels of consciousness.
Unconditional Love between individuals is the key to the subsistence of our species, it is the key to life, relationships, births, sharing, of each culture, art, history, myth, poetry, religion, philosophy, science It is the love for things, for feeling, discovering, and above all sharing.

The Pillar of BOAZ has collapsed, night will turn into day.

Empathy. It comes from the concept "suffer", from the Greek "pathós" (feeling, illness, disease, affection), referring to one who shares being within the same sensation, effect, reaction, pressure as others. Beyond the fact that its etymology speaks from a negative place, to have empathy is to be able to put oneself in the place of the other, to feel what the other feels, and from there to be able to act, help, understand, collaborate.
The suffering, pain, confusion, anger that humanity is experiencing may seem undesirable or pointless but it is required for you to awake into consciousness.

Do everything with Love.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Showing child porn online is not free speech.
It's against the law.
In a matter of seconds,@administrator's last many years of hardwork could be gone and he could be in trouble too.
Why risk that?
Does reposting graphic images of children help solve the problem?
Does reposting CP make you honorable and helpful towards fighting against child trafficking?
Best thing IMO to fight it is to spread the word without the disgusting imagery.
Also, go offline. Usually sketchy people and places in the real world are connected to this mess. Investigate these people undercover then

You can not see beyond the horizen if you do not soar to new hights.

Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, also known as the "festival of spring", the "festival of colours", and the "festival of love". The festival signifies the triumph of good over evil.

If you wish to win, you must not fight against that which is unwinnable. You are learning how selfish your leaders have been. But is it selfish to breath, is it selfish to eat, of course it is. Just as sex is an extremely selfish act, of which can lead to the most unselfish act in the universe, creation of life. Therefor do not fight these things rather transmute them into acts that serve you and your fellow man.

Mortal knowledge is circumscribed by mortal ignorance, and mortal comprehension is circumscribed by spiritual reality. It is unwise for mortal man to attempt the understanding of that, which is beyond his conception, for there lies the road to disbelief and madness. Yet, man is man and ever fated to reach out beyond himself, striving to attain things which always just elude his grasp. So in his frustration, he replaces the dimly seen incomprehensible with things within his understanding. If these things but poorly reflect reality, then is not the reflection of reality, distorted though it mayb

C[lin]t East[wood]
We've always been here with you. But have had to communicate subtly as not to infringe upon your Free Will. The path you choose is entirly up to you.