Terry L Clark
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The so-called "Consumer Protection Bureau" has had huge red flags since even before its formal creation. I can name various things that Ralph Nader and his progeny have done that are good, but can anyone cite anything significantly good that Warren's agency did?
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My choices were, in the following order: Bobby, Rand, and notwithstanding his WEF history, Vivek.
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“So the push starts out, the first bioweapon that comes out is going to be aluminum as a heavy metal and in the form of sodium fluoride, and this is where you get into fluoridation of the water supplies, and the propagandizing, the selling of it being essential for healthy bones and teeth which is absolute nonsense.
One of the things that aluminum does, and this is a first-generation bioweapon in its use, one of the things that it does is it sequesters magnesium out of the system. Magnesium that’s essential for muscle contraction, energy production, and basic neurologic functions. So what they start doing is they start attacking the cellular environment by depositing sodium fluoride via water as a delivery mechanism, as a delivery system, and getting the aluminum into people's bodies.”
-Dr. Henry Ealy
Cancer Decoded – Episode 2- Available Now Through Wednesday, September 11th, at 5 pm Pacific Time
Analysis, Musings, Humor, Health. Covering the important w/historical context.
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Another option is Chlorine Dioxide (which President Trump got blasted for by the mockingbird media, because it works). There are support groups, especially on Telegram, where you can get lots more information. Chlorine Dioxide ie extremely powerful, and if one's not careful one can overdo it and otherwise get into trouble. Rife is much easier to use, and I like it better because it approaches energy with energy. If one is prepared to do a really deep dive, Chlorine Dioxide is an effective alternative.
I would like Chlorine Dioxide more if there were some accessible tutorials on its use, what to watch out for, and so on. The amount of information is rather overwhelming and not in "bite-sized" pieces.
I've successfully used Chlorine Dioxide on myself, but note it's not my first proverbial rodeo when it comes to detoxification.
Here's a good website for more information on Chlorine Dioxide:
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I'm a big fan of Rife. Royal Rife was curing cancer in the 1920s/1930s with the technology available then. Rife Machines are relatively inexpensive, and used ones even more so. The frequencies are readily available online. If possible, best to go with an experienced Rife practitioner, since there are other things going on that led up to the cancer. Basically, Rife is based on the fact that everything is energy, and that "disease" occurs when things get out of balance. Rife restores the energy back to a healthy balance.
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Maybe. But I think the chickens are like a lot of humans, wondering how to turn things around.
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Chicago's Restocking The Anarchy Shelves
Analysis, Musings, Humor, Health. Covering the important w/historical context.
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Clandestine, who I follow more on Substack but alas s/he has moved mainly to Twitter for now, has some interesting observations on this. Basically, don't panic, watch, wait, and see. https://twitter.com/WarClandestine
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Tonight's Episode of Absolute Healing covers fast-moving cancers. Hopefully you/your husband can watch it before 5pm Pacific Time on Wednesday.
After that, do some checking on Rife, and whether there's an experienced Rife Practitioner in your area. Royal Rife was curing cancer in the 1930s with the technology available at that time.
My favorite heart doctor is Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. There's a lot of free info on his website.
On Pneumonia, are they thinning the stuff out with Guifenisen or something that does the same thing? A lot of water is needed with Guifenisen—it doesn't work to thin the stuff out if there isn't enough water available to transport it out of the lungs and out of the body.
I hope this helps., Good luck to both of you!
Absolute Healing--New Hope, Episode 2, Plus **TWO** “Bonus” Episodes, Are Now Available Until 5 pm Pacific Time On Wednesday, April 19th
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Another "coincidence". Just like all those Vaxxidents...
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I just double-checked the Link. It loaded a little slow, but it does load up. Perhaps just a temporary glitch, or maybe they are doing routine maintenance. In case it's a Substack glitch, here's the Link to the article: https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/02/25/did-legendary-gonzo-journalist-hunter-thompson-frighten-those-in-the-deep-state-so-much-he-had-to-be-taken-out/
Did Legendary “Gonzo” Journalist Hunter Thompson Frighten Those in the Deep State So Much, He Had to Be Taken Out? | CovertAction Magazine
[Source: ee33.no; Collage courtesy of Steve Brown] Hunter S. Thompson’s death 18 years ago remains suspicious. He left no suicide note and, according to the official story, supposedly shot himself …
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It's actually far, far worse. I just Posted the following:
Preventing, And Recovering From, Harm Due To The Attack On Ohio—Part 2
Preventing, And Recovering From, Harm Due To The Attack On Ohio—Part 2
It only takes a tiny amount of Dioxins to cause harm. There is no one “thing” that is “a dioxin”--”dioxin” is used a descriptor for a broad category of nasty stuff. As if that wasn't bad enough, the monstrosity resulting from the deliberate actions in Ohio has created an unprecedented witches b..
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It's also true of Remdesivir and Paxlovid, both of which also do widespread systemic damage to the body.
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One key is accurate testing for the numerous toxins that have been put in the various formulations. Besides identifying them, it will also help to set priorities. I've accumulated a lot of information from sources that have done deep dives on the subject, but need time to go through and properly vet that information, some of which is contradictory, some of which has misplaced priorities, and so on. Jonathan Otto has done several great series on the subject, that's a good starting point. In the meantime, I've been taking 120K units of Serrapeptase twice a day since early on, because while not jabbed, we still don't have solid information on "shedding". https://www.liverdoctor.com/serrapeptase-health-guide/
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So it's not "Climate Change" this week?