Tandi Girlz
4 years ago

Tandi Girlz

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Gas is now $2.59. It was $1.89 the last days of Trump admin. But y’all’s little hearts won’t be offended by mean tweets and that’s what matters.

This is why free and unbiased media is so important. Which we do NOT have.
We are shown opinion over facts, and so many of the "facts" we are shown and TOLD to believe are corrupt and false. Why? Because they are trying to push you to believe a certain way. If we are only shown what the acceptable opinion is, then we the people can not form educated opinions. Which leads to us not questioning the agenda.
We are then dissuaded and told not to question what we are told. We can not debate, freely talk or question. If we do, then we are censored in the very least and if that fails then we are v

Because they saw their parents loose their homes, jobs, and retirement accounts in the 2008 financial crisis, and then saw the govt bail out the banks. They're pissed!!

The way to keep people obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.

Robinhood blocked further purchases of GameStop. Google removed 150,000 negative RH reviews, so not only is RH RIGGED against its own users, but when those users complain, Google RIGS the reviews to protect RH. ITS RECURSIVE RIGGING! Layers upon layers of everything being rigged!

Pure gaslighting. BLM destroyed $2 Billion in private property, 150 federal buildings burned, people killed but they get a peace prize?
How many black people do you think have seen a dime of the $10 Billion they raised?
And the sad thing is they will be praised by the media.

So much deception has already been uncovered in so many areas of life that it is wise to remain open minded to everything.

"There! His Majesty can now read my name without glasses. And he can double the reward on my head!" ~ John Hancock, upon signing the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

UNDERSTAND: Disarmament of the populace is always the first step to depriving them of their civil and human rights.
100 million were slaughtered under communism by their own governments after being disarmed in the 20th century.
Second amendment is the glue that holds Everything together. Take away the second you lose the first and third then the rest

I know this GameStop stuff is funny, but you have to remember this is hurting real people who own multiple boats


Kerry, Granvholm & Buttigeig all said "Yep we're taking jobs away from a whole lot people and they can just go learn something else" in the middle of a pandemic that has already resulted in millions of job loses and the press doesn't even blink at it.

Biden Secretary of State Pick Caught on Hunter’s Laptop, Linked To Chinese Funding

Commerce Secretary nominee Gina Raimondo stays open to raising taxes on the middle class, says that we "need funds" for Biden's climate agenda

Pres. Biden directed federal agencies to determine how broad of a ban federal lands should have on new oil & gas leasing.
This ban will have REAL consequences for Americans:
—cost our economy $700B
—kill ~1M jobs by 2022
—consumers will pay an extra $500B to foreign suppliers

Biden staff is doing "multiple takes" of signings and very short appearances, no questions allowed, just to get one that looks good and can be "aired".
Apparently their are "Dozens" of signed, "written up", PARDONS, all done except for Dates.

San Francisco school board agrees to remove names of 44 Americans on schools including Lincoln
Just The News

Since facts and biology don’t matter, I’ve decided to identify as a lovely woman. And I’m now classifying my Hubby as a support animal so he can fly for free 😂😂🤣

Before the election Joe Biden said that only dictators circumvent bipartisan consensus by using Executive Orders.
In his 1st week he signed 37 Executive Orders. Clinton, Bush, Obama & Trump signed 10 COMBINED in their 1st week.
Biden’s knowingly acting like a dictator.

REPORT: Just 6 DAYS AFTER INAUGURATION Judge decides Virginia Rule allowing LATE BALLOTS MISSING POSTMARK WAS ILLEGAL, permanently bans the law in future Virginia elections..

Joe Biden Signs Executive Order Banning the Term "China Virus"
'cause yeah, that's what the American people want him to be focused on....

“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
-George R. R. Martin

“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”
~Ayn Rand

Biden’s plan to double the federal minimum wage would kill between 1.3 & 3.7 million jobs & burden small businesses that are already struggling. We need to remember that government spending isn’t “free.” Ultimately, taxpayers will be called upon to foot the bill.
~standamericanow on Twitter

Joe Biden held a virtual event today on YouTube.

A little over 1,000 people watched it.

And he got more votes than Obama? 😂

Breaking News: Jack Posobiec posted on Twatter: Antifa terrorist arrested for plotting to kill Trump supporters on inauguration day. Looks like the FBI was finally doing their job.

I know why fact check said it was false!... it's because it's not believable for him to be awake in the last image 😜

When the censor becomes censored hahahaha😂😂🤣"North Idaho internet provider blocks Facebook, Twitter on its service for some customers"
