Albert McClure
4 years ago

Albert McClure

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I find myself leaving the remnants of social media that was used against us all...
The mundane ness of it all...
Then the human waste of it all...
Genocide of twetter imploded from with its own algorithms...
The walk away it the take away...
Years lost by such evil crumb bums

How many more miles til we can call it home worth living...
How far must we travel in order 2B considered a free nation with economic stabilization behind or name with the stature of our worth present & not fiat chattel of the [DS] & Elite?

Good Afternoon...
See any Flight 328 plane parts selling on e-bay yet?

Tired of this BS, Lyin Biden Shit Show
America Need a Big Win... NOW..
Not another Shadow RV Drive By...
I smell a RV, but I think a DemocRat Farted...
I Can't taste a RV yet...
I'm looking for Bone in, & Boneless
Ask The Director & Producer of the
Movie ShitShow

Seems to me that everyone and their dog is posting "PREDICTIONS, PREDICTIONS, AND MORE PREDICTIONS' as to when the RV/ GCR is to take place. Problem is none of these " PREDICTIONS" ever turns out to be correct. However, here is a "PREDICTION" that is correct.
" We had nothing in the past, we have nothing in the present, and will have nothing in the future." Be thankful for what you have and let it be at that.
In closing if We never see this RV/GCR We will be remembered as the crazies the democrats killed & Got away with it
Because Of Justice is Obsolete
Its Sad either way we go

Can We the People get a small sliver of Restored Republic. In exchange for Phony Fiat Federal Reserve Corrupt Laundered Blood Money... The true Currency that actually will Buy Memories to Mask the Crap we've endured for the last 100 years... by untying our hands allow us to rebuild this pedophile hell hole safe enough for many future generations... an get a RV...

I CAN'T WAIT!, Until Words like... Deep State, Cabal, Pedophiles, PizzaGate, FRAZZLeRIP, DemocRats, Transgenderism, Antifa, BLM, JoeBiden, HillaryClinton, NancyPelosi, AOC, GeorgeSoros, Libtards, KamalaHarris, Communism, are NO Longer the Words & Phrases apart of our Daily Norms.

🚨#alert 🚨
#MSM. (#lying#corrupt#FAKE#democrat#NEWS#clinton#CarpetBaggers )#WhiteHouse#PINKporchLite#InDarkOfNight#MSMcoverUP#TightLipped#MediaSilentNight#SixtyYearsOfPizzaGate in#WhiteHouseTunnels#SaveTheChildren#BodyParts#BullDozeWhiteHouse#sick#pedophiles#obamagate#pizzagate#ClintonnSnuffFilms#FRAZZLeRIP
Do your Research l 👀 k bay in time of Documentation before you Truth is Out there Not for the weak

From THEQNEWSGUY Trump has it All Military in Control boots on the Ground. Draining the Swamp...
Will the Real Joe B_iden Come out... ... Soon...
Awoke yet... Dir

🚨#alert 🚨
#MSM. (#lying#corrupt#FAKE#democrat#NEWS#clinton#CarpetBaggers )#WhiteHouse#PINKporchLite#InDarkOfNight#MSMcoverUP#TightLipped#MediaSilentNight#SixtyYearsOfPizzaGate in#WhiteHouseTunnels#SaveTheChildren#BodyParts#BullDozeWhiteHouse#sick#pedophiles#obamagate#pizzagate#ClintonnSnuffFilms#FRAZZLeRIP
Do your Research l 👀 k bay in time of Documentation before you Truth is Out there Not for the weak

From THEQNEWSGUY Trump has it All Military in Control boots on the Ground. Draining the Swamp...
Will the Real Joe B_iden Come out... ... Soon...
Awoke yet... Dir

Well Congratulations... I'm Officially 2-years behind my slated schedule of making America great again... With no hope in sight humanitarian projects shitholed .. Will someone speak to truth not a lame movie of 21st century 3-stooges... Try educating realitors & bankers of up & coming events so we the people of a so called civilized America
can pull our ass out of this covid crap & move onward & upward...
Plus I'm looking for intelligent life. & intelligent Bankers & Realitors & Contractors to expedite. The 2-years of

Well Congratulations... I'm Officially 2-years behind my slated schedule of making America great again... With no hope in sight humanitarian projects shitholed .. Will someone speak to truth not a lame movie of 21st century 3-stooges... Try educating realitors & bankers of up & coming events so we the people of a so called civilized America
can pull our ass out of this covid crap & move onward & upward...
Plus I'm looking for intelligent life. & intelligent Bankers & Realitors & Contractors to expedite. The 2-years of


When will America get its head out of its Ass?We the People have been hung out to dry by the bankers of laundered DemocRats with Corporate America GENOCIDE US at every turn with the DeepState. Pedophiles killing off our families & running the tables with False Flag Fear Mongering &Scam-Demics for Decades...
Enough is Enough... the longer this plays on... We are going to be VENEZULA... We have been good Role Models.We have Voted Correctly IMO. But. that too. is subject to change if the economic's is not Dealt with..
America will NO LONGER EXIST.

Name Me 1 Democrat
That Help Or Aided in Saving
5 Million US 🇺🇸 American Sacrificed Pedophiled Discarded Homeless Children of The Last 30 Years.
But, DemocRats Hell Bent On Impeachment, Another 30 Years of Hiding the Truth from US ALL
Where's your Kids?

What did House Impeachment Managers do... To Save Help Aid to give Life Back to...
5 Million Children. From the USA Tunnels of DemocRat Pedophile ADRENOCHROME Bienging / Bidening/Hunter PornStarring?
Impeach All DemocRats NOW.
Crimes Against Humanity.

A funny true story...
I had a personal & a business facebook account. I was ban from.
Having Enough I removed
The Facebook app from my phone... So this morning I got a e-mail from Facebook saying someone was signing into my account... So i reported it... & received another e-mail with a long list of e-mail addresses saying they could not be delivered or those accounts with facebook have been closed...
So I tried to sign into my account...i couldn't... I tried forgot password... No Go... So it said try opening another account... So I tried so i did it asked for a phone number... So I gave

We the People need " Letters of Credit" &
Exchange & Redeeming Centers at our disposal if we're going to#MAGA. Because no banks know what the Hell I'm talking about.
Can someone contact me so I can understand
Protocols & Proceedures. Please... Or am I talking to the Choir... Use your NSA spydy friends an Contact me. Please.

Thank you!

We the People 🇺🇸 Knowledge Is Power✨ God is a frequency tune in 🔊 God Wins ❤️

Lin Wood- ❤️