American Wingnu..
@American_WingnutI send out love and joy to you. Thank you for visiting me and blessings always. Remember to stay in the moment and EVERY...

Chrys Thunder
@ChrysThunder4517, Search, translate FR - En, Check false images and more A doubt about a picture, a translation? leave me a message

BigRedVet07 God..
@BigRedVet07Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS

Candace Rankin
@Kandi_Kriss45year old single mom of a 21 year old nonverbal daughter with Autism! Teaching public middle school for over 20+ years.

Lynn Pistacchio
@lynnpistacchioBattle Weary Patriots~ Healing for the Great Awakening! I'm a "People Whisper"

True Patriot202..
@Truepatriot2021#TimeToWakeUp #ForGodAndCountry #DigitalSoldier #UnitedNotDivided #PainIsComing #TakeTheOath #MAGA #KAG

Verily Chambers
@Verily1AWAKE NOT WOKE. Filia Dei. Australian Patriot. Digital Soldier. WITNESS. Truth is a force of Nature. Truth is a Force. ...

Truthsets Youfr..
@SaphynsoundDaughter of the Most High. Saved by Christ. Do my best to reflect His Love back and be a vessel of His light.

Godstrojan hors..
@godstrojanhorseTrump is my Pres. JFK, Jr. my VP; Jesus my BFF; Silly, snarky, loving protector of God's family & children. Joshua 1...

Lucas Warren
@Gingerred42#IOwnMyOwnMind #IOwnMyOwnBody #WWG1WGA #MAGA #1776 No creepy DMs I will block you! Other are all welcome!! 😊

Coal Miner’s Da..
@wvunc01RN 👩🏻⚕️🩺LE wife 👮🏽♂️🚔 “If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking”-GSP 🏆recipient of 2021 twitter ba...

Arctic Viper
@ArcticViperFormer Air Force Cyber officer. Combat tours: Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan. Information & Influence Operations.

Cathy Ross
@CathyRPatriot. Truth Seeker. The Best Is Yet To Come!! It’s going to be BIBLICAL!! God Bless Our Country and God Bless Preside...

Mega Magadonian
@misfireMarried, Patriot ......Spreader of meme's, some more dank than others! Not P.C............


E---- B--------
@TrumplicanToTheCoreGod, Country, Family. Husband to one Father to three boys. MAGA2Q2Q. Was TrumplicanToTheCore on twatter
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